That also works and is even more concise.Many thanks,


Uwe Ligges wrote:
> Your error:
> If you use plot(), the coordinate system of user coordinates is set up 
> each time, but you do want to plot in the coordinate system of your 
> first plot, hence use:
> plot(time, signal, type = "l", col = "blue", xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r",
>     xlab = "Time (msec)", ylab = "Signal", main = "Aliasing",
>     sub = "Sampling 5KHz source(blue) at 8KHz (dots)
>            gives 2.5KHz alias(red)")
> lines(time, alias, lty=2, col="red")
> points(undersamplingtimes, undersampled, pch=16)
> abline(h=0)
> Uwe Ligges
> Paul Vickers wrote:
>> Hi
>> I used R for the first time yesterday. I wanted to plot the aliasing
>> effect of sampling a 5.5KHz sinusoid at only 8KHz (below the Nyquist
>> limit). So I wrote a small R script that a) plots 1msec worth of a
>> 5.5KHz sin wave b) plots 1msec of the resulting 2.5KHz alias and c)
>> plots the 8 sampling points on the 5.5KHz source wave. I think I have
>> found a bug. The script is as follows:
>> #truesamplingfreq <- 1000*5.5
>> freqin1msec = 5.5
>> #aliassamplingfreq <- 1000*2.5
>> aliasfreqin1msec = 2.5
>> drawingpoints = 10000
>> time = (0:drawingpoints)/drawingpoints
>> signal = sin(freqin1msec*2*pi*(time))
>> alias = -sin(aliasfreqin1msec*2*pi*(time))
>> undersamplinginterval = max(time)/8
>> seq (0, max(time), by=undersamplinginterval) -> undersamplingtimes
>> undersampled = sin(freqin1msec*2*pi*undersamplingtimes)
>> plot(time,signal,type="l", col="blue", xaxs="r", yaxs="r", xlab="Time
>> (msec)", ylab="Signal", main="Aliasing", sub="Sampling 5KHz source
>> (blue) at 8KHz (dots) gives 2.5KHz alias(red)")
>> par(new=TRUE)
>> plot (time, alias, xaxs="r",  yaxs="r", type="l", lty=2, col="red",
>> axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
>> par(new=TRUE)
>> plot(undersamplingtimes, undersampled, pch=16,  xaxs="r", yaxs="r",
>> axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", abline(h=0))
>> The output is given as attachment alias.jpg in which the line through
>> y=0 is offset and all the positive sampling points (black dots) are also
>> offset (interestingly, all the negative points seem to be correct). All
>> the black dots should line up with 8 intersections of the red and blue
>> lines. I don't think the script is wrong because if I double everything
>> up and plot an 11KHz source, its 5KHz alias and 16 sampling points (for
>> 16KHz sampling) everything works as expected (see attachment alias2.jpg)
>> - ie, the line through y=0 is in the right place as are the 16 sampling
>> points.
>> Here's my sessionInfo:
>> R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"
>> [6] "datasets"  "base
>> I'm running OS X 10.4.5
>> Can anyone enlighten me?
>> Cheers
>> Paul
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Dr P. Vickers BSc PhD CEng MIEE ILTM
Reader in Human-Computer Interaction &
Visiting Research Fellow of Loughborough University

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