Dear All:


lme(sbp ~ cengirth, data = family, random= ~ 1 | familyid)


converges but 


lme(sbp ~ cengirth, data = family, random= ~ cengirth | familyid)


does not.


I get the following message:


Error in lme.formula(sbp ~ cengirth, data = family, random = ~cengirth |

        iteration limit reached without convergence (9)


The data has 488 rows and 154 familyid levels. For some familyid levels,
there is only one row and cengirth is 0 as it is a centered variable
within familyid.


I appreciate your pointing me to the source of the problem.



M. Ashraf Chaudhary, Ph.D.
Department of International Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 N. Wolfe St.  Room W5506
Baltimore MD 21205-2179

(410) 502-0741/fax: (410) 502-6733


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