Dear r-list,

I've got a data base:
> HData[1:10,]
   NumTree   Site Species Date Age DBH    H IdentTree
1        1 Queige  Spruce 2002 184  49 33.5  Queige 1
2        2 Queige     Fir 2002  NA   5  4.6  Queige 2
3        3 Queige     Fir 2002  25   8  6.6  Queige 3
4        4 Queige  Spruce 2002 198  47 32.5  Queige 4
5        5 Queige     Fir 2002 200  59 35.3  Queige 5
6        6 Queige  Spruce 2002  80  16  9.4  Queige 6
7        7 Queige     Fir 2002  NA   5  4.2  Queige 7
8        8 Queige     Fir 2002 200  44 32.5  Queige 8
9        9 Queige     Fir 2002  NA   5  3.4  Queige 9
10      10 Queige  Spruce 2002 167  48 32.8 Queige 10

I want to remove particular points determined by
> HDataPartP<-HData[H<1.30,]
> HDataPartP2<-HData[H<8&DBH>20,]

That's why I want to use subset in a close form to:

How should I do that ?
Is there any R-syntax saying "not element of that object" ?

Thanks for your help.


Ghislain Vieilledent
06 24 62 65 07

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