I don't answser your question directly.I juset point out that  Rnews
2005-1 has an article about lmer :Fitting linear mixed models in R
Using the lme4 package by the author of the package Matrix.The article
says "lmer handles nested and non-nested grouping factors
equally easily". Hope This helps.

2006/5/20, Andrew Gelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I would like to fit a hierarchical regression model from Witte et al.
(1994; see reference below).  It's a logistic regression of a health
outcome on quntities of food intake; the linear predictor has the form,
X*beta + W*gamma,
where X is a matrix of consumption of 82 foods (i.e., the rows of X
represent people in the study, the columns represent different foods,
and X_ij is the amount of food j eaten by person i); and W is a matrix
of some other predictors (sex, age, ...).

The second stage of the model is a regression of X on some food-level

Is it possible to fit this model in (the current version of) lmer()?
The challenge is that the persons are _not_ nested within food items, so
it is not a simple multilevel structure.

We're planning to write a Gibbs sampler and fit the model directly, but
it would be convenient to be able to flt in lmer() as well to check.




Witte, J. S., Greenland, S., Hale, R. W., and Bird, C. L. (1994).
Hierarchical regression analysis applied to a
study of multiple dietary exposures and breast cancer.  Epidemiology 5,

Andrew Gelman
Professor, Department of Statistics
Professor, Department of Political Science

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  Social Work Bldg (Amsterdam Ave at 122 St), Room 1016
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  International Affairs Bldg (Amsterdam Ave at 118 St), Room 731

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  1255 Amsterdam Ave, Room 1016
  Columbia University
  New York, NY 10027-5904
  (fax) 212-851-2164

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