You can try dissecting the output of 


but, once again, I can't guarantee that it's what you want because we
can't fit your model, and you have not sent us a simple, reproducible


On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 03:37:19AM -0700, Pryseley Assam wrote:
> Dear R-Users
>   I have a problem accessing some values in the output from the summary of an 
> lme fit. 
>   I fit the model below:
>   ggg <- lme (ST~ -1 + as.factor(endp) + as.factor(endp), data=dat4a,
>   random=~-1 + as.factor(endp) + as.factor(endp)|as.factor(trials),
>   correlation = corSymm(form=~1|as.factor(trials)/as.factor(id)), 
> weights=varIdent(form=~1|endp))
>   hh <- summary(ggg)
>   hh
>   Below is the following part of the output of interest:
>   Correlation Structure: General
>  Formula: ~1 | as.factor(trials)/as.factor(id) 
>  Parameter estimate(s):
>  Correlation: 
>   1    
> 2 0.785
> Variance function:
>  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
>  Formula: ~1 | endp 
>  Parameter estimates:
>        -1         1 
> 1.0000000 0.9692405 
>   I wish to access the value of the correlation (0.785) and the vector of the 
> variance function estimates (1,0.969). I know these can be done throught the 
> intervals function, but sometimes when the estimated Hessian matrix is not 
> positive definite or something like that (i am not quite sure), the intervals 
> function delivers an error message. 
>   Thus, i will like to ask if there is another way to access these values. I 
> tried using the following code:
>   hh$modelStruct$corStruct[1]
>   hh$modelStruct$varStruct[1]
>   Rather the output was:
>   > hh$modelStruct$corStruct[1]
> [1] -1.308580
> > hh$modelStruct$varStruct[1]
> [1] -0.03124255
>   I presume there is a way to calculate the correlation and variance function 
> coefficients using these values. 
>   Could someone tell me how to access those values (without using the 
> intervals function) or better still how to calculate the values from the last 
> output values. 
>   Kind regards
>   Pryseley
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