On Tue, 30 May 2006, Robert Lundqvist wrote:

> I have this typical problem of joining a number of vectors with similar
> names - a1, a2,..., a10 - which should be concatenated into one. Using
> c(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a,a8,a9,a10) naturally works, but I would like to do
> it with less manual input. My attempts to use paste() gives a vector of
> the vector names, see below. The question is how to do the the
> concatenation? Any suggestions?
> paste("a",1:10,sep="")

a1 <- c(5, 4)
a2 <- 2
a3 <- 6:9
cmd <- sprintf("c(%s)",
               paste("a", 1:3, sep = "", collapse = ", "))
eval(parse(text = cmd))

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