Under the below seection it talks about X86_64 archetecture for Linux.
1. tar -zxvf R-2.3.0.tar.gz
2. changed the directory to the newly created directory R-2.3.0
3. Typed ./configure 'r_arch=name' 
4. Typed make
5. Make check
6. make check-all
7. Typed make install
8. Typed R
I still get the same error message. 
Fatal error: unable to open the base package
2.5 Sub-architectures
Some platforms can support closely related builds of R which can share all
but the executables and dynamic objects. Examples include builds under
Solaris for different chips (in particular, 32- and 64-bit builds), 64- and
32- bit builds on `x86_64' Linux and different CPUs (`ppc', `ppc64' and
`i386') under MacOS 10.4. 
R supports the idea of architecture-specific builds, specified by adding
`r_arch=name' to the configure line. Here name can be anything non-empty,
and is used to name subdirectories of lib, etc, include and libs. Example
names from other systems are the use of sparcv9 on Solaris and 32 by gcc on
`x86_64' Linux. 
If you have two or more such builds you can install them over each other
(and one build can be done without `r_arch'). The space savings can be
considerable: on `x86_64' Linux a basic install (without debugging symbols)
took 63Mb, and adding a 32-bit build added 6Mb. If you have installed
multiple build you can select which build to run by 
     R --arch=name
and running `R' will run the last build that was installed. 
R CMD INSTALL will detect if more that one build is installed and try to
install packages with the appropriate library objects for each. This will
not be done if the package has an executable configure script or a
src/Makefile file. In such cases you can install for extra builds by 
     R --arch=name CMD INSTALL --libs-only pkg(s)
My Server Archeitecute is X86_64
-bash-2.05b# rpm -q --qf '%{ARCH}\n' zlib

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