You need more brackets:

if(blah) {
  do something
} else {
  do something different


PS Using underscores in variable names is not encouraged, and
can cause you problems in certain contexts.

On 6/13/06, H. Paul Benton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Umm sorry to bother everyone again but I'm having trouble with my if
> statement. I come from a perl background so that's probably my problem! :)
> So here is my code:
> if (any(lgAB>4) | any(lgAB<-4)){
>         freq_AB<-hist(lgAB, type="o", plot=F)
>         else
>         freq_AB<-hist(lgAB, breaks=br,type ="o", plot=F)
> }

Sarah Goslee

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