Try this:

# read in lines and replace all occurences of Simula, all occurrences
# of .txt, all commas and all underscores with spaces

Lines <- gsub(".*Simula|.txt|[,_]", " ", readLines("/myfile.dat"))

# reread what is left skipping over column headings and setting it ourself
# If you want factors instead of character data omit

dat <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), = TRUE, skip = 1,
        col.names = c("P", "H", "R", "TYPE", "PLAND"))

On 6/17/06, Milton Cezar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear R-friends
>  I have several data files with about 1,900 lines (records) each. I´m using 
> read.table command to read the files. The files looks like
>  LID                                                     ,   TYPE ,        
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,       NA
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,       10.2
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,        9.2
>  ---
>  My first problem is that some command (like hist(data$PLAND)) say that the 
> data isn´t a numeric one. May be because the first PLAND value are NA? When I 
> done read.table command I used something link:
>  data<-read.table (file="xxx.dat", head=T, sep="\,", na.strings="NA").
>  Another problem is that I need parse the LID column. When I do "print 
> (head(data$LID) I receive the following result (look that the slash was lost 
> on the read):
>       D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>       D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>       D:Bijou-MCSimula_P010_H100_R001.txt
>  Its ok to me, but now I need create the P, H and R columns into the "data" 
> table as a parse of LID column. When I try use the command 
> "p<-substr(data$LID, 19,3)" I got an error message saying that the variable 
> is not char one.
>  Finally, I´d like drop the LID column and insert the P, H and R into the 
> table.
>  Thanks for your help!
>  Kind regards, miltinho
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