On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Christian Hennig wrote:

> Dear list,
> I did simulations in which I generated 10000
> independent Bernoulli(0.5)-sequences of length 100. I estimated
> p for each sequence and I also estimated the conditional probability that
> a one is followed by another one (which should be p as well).
> However, the second probability is significantly smaller than 0.5 (namely
> about 0.494, see below) and of course smaller than the direct estimates of
> p as well, indicating negative correlation between the random numbers.
> See below the code and the results.
> Did I do something wrong or are the numbers in
> fact negatively correlated? (A type I error is quite unlikely with a
> p-value below 2.2e-16.)

I think you did something wrong, and that there is a problem with 
overlapping blocks of two.

If you do

you get much better looking results. In this case you have 500,000 
independent pairs of numbers that can be 01, 10, 11, 00. A test for 
independence seems fine.

> tt

          0      1
   0 125246 124814
   1 125140 124800
> fisher.test(tt)

         Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  tt
p-value = 0.8987
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
  0.9896745 1.0119211
sample estimates:
odds ratio

In your case the deficit in est11 is suspiciously close to 0.5/n. Changing 
n to 1000 and using the same seed I get
> mean(est11)-0.5
[1] -0.0005534743
10 times smaller, and still close to 0.5/n.

Now, consider what happens in a case where we can see all the 
possibilities, n=3

x    1/0  1/1 
000   -   -
001   -   -
010   1   0
011   0   1
100   1   0
101   1   0
110   1   1
111   2   0

So that if each of these three triplets has the same probability your 
est11 would be 2/8 rather than 4/8, and est11 is not an unbiased estimate 
of the long-run conditional probability. The bias is of order 1/n, so you 
need n to be of larger order than  sqrt(simruns).


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