Hi, All:

I am using Chinese version of R, but I will translate the error message.

I have been trying to find out the spatial pattern of some meteorology 
variable. I converted the data from "grib" format to binary, which is not a big 
deal. Then I read in the binary data, and it has 3 dimensions: x, y, and time. 
The following is my code

nx <- 349
ny <- 277
nt <- 312
nRunning <- 12
missing <- -900.
datain <- 
datain[datain<missing] <- NA
data <- array(datain,c(nx,ny,nt))
eof.c <- EOF(data,mon=1)

Then I get the error message as follow (origionally in Chinese):
erro when there is a missing value at "if((class(fields)[2] != 
"monthly.field.object") & (class(fields[2] != :"

So, I tried
t1 <- data[1:nx,1:ny,1]
class(t1) <- c("field")

It still didn't work. The error message is now (origionally in Chinese)
[1] "The directory data/ does not exists.. Creates it.."
error at: rep.default(NA, dims[2]) : the second argument of rep() not correct
besides: Warning messages:
1: 'data' already exists 
2: force the left side of the function to become an array

Can anybody help me with this? I am new to R, and I don't have a book with me. 
Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,
Jih-Wang (Aaron) Wang
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