On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Xavier Barron wrote:


I work with:

R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for
Statistical Computing
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)

On Windows XP Professional (Version 2002) SP2

I think there is a bug in the conditional
execution if (expr1) {expr2} else {expr3}

If I try:

"if (expr1) expr2 else expr3"

it works well but when I put the expression expr2
and expr3 between {} I receive an error message
like this one:

It's not a bug. You need the } on the same line as the else

if (expr1){
} else {

as otherwise R doesn't know there is going to be an 'else'.


"Erreur dans parse(file, n = -1, NULL, "?") :
erreur de syntaxe à la ligne
4:      }
5:      else"

...which translated in english gives:

"Error in parse(file, n = -1, NULL, "?") : syntax
error at the line
4:      }
5:      else"

Maybe, there is something I don't understand. I
should be very grateful if you would help me to
solve this issue.

Best regards,


Xavier Barron
20, rue de la Pierre Levée
75011 Paris
0143381141 / 0675062109

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