Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
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Hi William,

Thanks a lot for your response. I checked the package and found that what I 
want to solve was the opposite, that is, from mean and sd to parameters shape 
and scale. Could anyone give some hints please? Any suggestion would be 


----- Original Message -----

From: William Asquith,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2006-07-17,  16:18:31
Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
Do  not  have  answer  per  se,  but  if  you  are  seeking  some  
try  three  parameter  Weibull  as  implemented  by  the  lmomco  package.

On  Jul  17,  2006,  at  1:18  PM,  Leaf  Sun  wrote:

>  Hi  all,
>  By  its  definition,  the  mean  and  variance  of  two-par.  Weibull    
>  distribution  are:
>    (www.wikipedia.org)
>  I  was  wondering,  if  given  mean  and  sd.  could  we  parameterize  the  
>  distribution?  I  tried  this  in  R.
>  gamma.fun   <-  function(mu,sd,start=100)
>  {
>  f.fn   <-  function(alpha)  sd^2-mu^2/(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2*(gamma(1+2/  
>  alpha)-(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2)
>  alpha   <-  optim(start,  f.fn,method='BFGS')
>  beta   <-  mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)
>  return(list=c(a=alpha$par,b=beta));
>  }
>  But  the  problems  come  up  here:
>  1)    the  return  values  of  a  and  b  are  only  related  to  the  input 
>  mean,  and  nothing  to  do  with  the  sd.  For  instance,  when  I  apply  
> a    
>  mean  mu  =  3  whatever  I  use  sd=2,  sd=4,  the  function  returned  the 
>  same  scale  and  shape  values.
> >  gamma.fun(3,4,10);
>                a                b
>  5.112554  3.263178
> >  gamma.fun(3,2,10);
>                a                b
>  5.112554  3.263178
>  2)  the  start  value  determines  the  results:  if  I  apply  mean  =  3,  
> and    
>  sd=2,  with  a  start  of  10,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  10,  if 
>  I    
>  use  a  start  =  100,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  100.
> >  gamma.fun(3,2,10);
>                a                b
>  5.112554  3.263178
> >  gamma.fun(3,2,100);
>                  a                  b
>  99.999971    3.017120
>  Since  I  am  not  a  statistician,  I  guess  there  must  be  some    
>  theoretical  reasons  wrong  with  this  question.  So  I  am  looking    
>  forward  to  some  correction  and  advice  to  solve  these.  Thanks  a  
> lot    
>  in  advance!
>  Leaf
>   [[alternative  HTML  version  deleted]]
>  ______________________________________________
>  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch  mailing  list
>  https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
>  PLEASE  do  read  the  posting  guide!  http://www.R-project.org/posting-  
>  guide.html

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<DIV>Hi William,</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks a lot for your response. I checked the package and found that what 
want to solve was the opposite, that is, from mean and sd to parameters shape 
and scale. Could anyone give some hints please? Any suggestion would be 
<DIV>----- Original Message -----</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Tahoma><STRONG>From:</STRONG> William 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A><BR><B>Sent:</B> 
2006-07-17,&nbsp; 16:18:31<BR><B>To:</B> Leaf Sun, <A 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A><BR><B>Subject:</B>&nbsp; 
Re: [R] Weibull distribution</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<TABLE width="100%">
    <TD width="100%">
      style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; 
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
        <DIV>Do &nbsp;not &nbsp;have &nbsp;answer &nbsp;per &nbsp;se, &nbsp;but 
        &nbsp;if &nbsp;you &nbsp;are &nbsp;seeking &nbsp;some 
        &nbsp;comparisons-- &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>try &nbsp;three &nbsp;parameter &nbsp;Weibull &nbsp;as 
        &nbsp;implemented &nbsp;by &nbsp;the &nbsp;lmomco &nbsp;package.</DIV>
        <DIV>On &nbsp;Jul &nbsp;17, &nbsp;2006, &nbsp;at &nbsp;1:18 &nbsp;PM, 
        &nbsp;Leaf &nbsp;Sun &nbsp;wrote:</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;Hi &nbsp;all,</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;By &nbsp;its &nbsp;definition, &nbsp;the &nbsp;mean 
        &nbsp;and &nbsp;variance &nbsp;of &nbsp;two-par. &nbsp;Weibull &nbsp; 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;distribution &nbsp;are:</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp;(www.wikipedia.org)</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;I &nbsp;was &nbsp;wondering, &nbsp;if &nbsp;given 
        &nbsp;mean &nbsp;and &nbsp;sd. &nbsp;could &nbsp;we &nbsp;parameterize 
        &nbsp;the &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;distribution? &nbsp;I &nbsp;tried &nbsp;this &nbsp;in 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;gamma.fun &nbsp; &lt;- 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;{</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;f.fn &nbsp; &lt;- &nbsp;function(alpha) 
        &nbsp;sd^2-mu^2/(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2*(gamma(1+2/ &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;alpha)-(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2)</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;alpha &nbsp; &lt;- &nbsp;optim(start, 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;beta &nbsp; &lt;- &nbsp;mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;return(list=c(a=alpha$par,b=beta));</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;}</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;But &nbsp;the &nbsp;problems &nbsp;come &nbsp;up 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;1) &nbsp; &nbsp;the &nbsp;return &nbsp;values &nbsp;of 
        &nbsp;a &nbsp;and &nbsp;b &nbsp;are &nbsp;only &nbsp;related &nbsp;to 
        &nbsp;the &nbsp;input &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;mean, &nbsp;and &nbsp;nothing &nbsp;to &nbsp;do 
        &nbsp;with &nbsp;the &nbsp;sd. &nbsp;For &nbsp;instance, &nbsp;when 
        &nbsp;I &nbsp;apply &nbsp;a &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;mean &nbsp;mu &nbsp;= &nbsp;3 &nbsp;whatever &nbsp;I 
        &nbsp;use &nbsp;sd=2, &nbsp;sd=4, &nbsp;the &nbsp;function 
        &nbsp;returned &nbsp;the &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;same &nbsp;scale &nbsp;and &nbsp;shape 
        <DIV>&gt; &gt; &nbsp;gamma.fun(3,4,10);</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;a 
        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;b</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;5.112554 &nbsp;3.263178</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &gt; &nbsp;gamma.fun(3,2,10);</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;a 
        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;b</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;5.112554 &nbsp;3.263178</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;2) &nbsp;the &nbsp;start &nbsp;value &nbsp;determines 
        &nbsp;the &nbsp;results: &nbsp;if &nbsp;I &nbsp;apply &nbsp;mean 
        &nbsp;3, &nbsp;and &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;sd=2, &nbsp;with &nbsp;a &nbsp;start &nbsp;of &nbsp;10, 
        &nbsp;it &nbsp;would &nbsp;return &nbsp;alpha &nbsp;close &nbsp;to 
        &nbsp;10, &nbsp;if &nbsp;I &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;use &nbsp;a &nbsp;start &nbsp;= &nbsp;100, &nbsp;it 
        &nbsp;would &nbsp;return &nbsp;alpha &nbsp;close &nbsp;to 
        <DIV>&gt; &gt; &nbsp;gamma.fun(3,2,10);</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;a 
        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;b</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;5.112554 &nbsp;3.263178</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &gt; &nbsp;gamma.fun(3,2,100);</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 
        &nbsp;a &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;99.999971 &nbsp; &nbsp;3.017120</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;Since &nbsp;I &nbsp;am &nbsp;not &nbsp;a 
        &nbsp;statistician, &nbsp;I &nbsp;guess &nbsp;there &nbsp;must &nbsp;be 
        &nbsp;some &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;theoretical &nbsp;reasons &nbsp;wrong &nbsp;with 
        &nbsp;this &nbsp;question. &nbsp;So &nbsp;I &nbsp;am &nbsp;looking 
        &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;forward &nbsp;to &nbsp;some &nbsp;correction &nbsp;and 
        &nbsp;advice &nbsp;to &nbsp;solve &nbsp;these. &nbsp;Thanks &nbsp;a 
        &nbsp;lot &nbsp; &nbsp;</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;in &nbsp;advance!</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;Leaf</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp; [[alternative &nbsp;HTML &nbsp;version 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;______________________________________________</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch &nbsp;mailing &nbsp;list</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help</DIV>
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;PLEASE &nbsp;do &nbsp;read &nbsp;the &nbsp;posting 
        &nbsp;guide! &nbsp;<A 
        <DIV>&gt; &nbsp;guide.html</DIV>


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