Hi Hadley,

Thanks for your suggestion.

The description of ggplot states:

Description:   ... It combines the advantages of both base and lattice
                graphics ... and you can still build up a plot step by
               step from multiple data sources

So I thought I'd try to enhance the plot by adding in the means from each 
quarter (this is snagged directly from ESS):

>   qplot(Quarter, Consumption, data=data, type=c("point","line"), id=data$Year)
    ( mean.per.quarter<- with(data, tapply(Consumption, Quarter, mean)) )
    points(mean.per.quarter, pch="+", cex=2.0)

 qplot(Quarter, Consumption, data=data, type=c("point","line"), id=data$Year)
>  ( mean.per.quarter<- with(data, tapply(Consumption, Quarter, mean)) )
    1     2     3     4 
888.2 709.2 616.4 832.8 
>  points(mean.per.quarter, pch="+", cex=2.0)
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : 
    plot.new has not been called yet

Now I'm green behind the ears when it comes to R, so I'm guessing that there is 
some major conflict between base graphics and lattice graphics, which I thought 
ggplot avoided, given the library help blurb.

I'm assuming that there must be a way to add points / lines to lattice / ggplot 
graphics (in the latter case it seems to be via ggpoint, or some such)? But is 
there a way that allows me to add via:

points(mean.per.quarter, pch="+", cex=2.0)

and similar, or do I have to learn the lingo for lattice / ggplot?



hadley wickham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > And if lattice is ok then try this:
> library(lattice)
> xyplot(Consumption ~ Quarter, group = Year, data, type = "o")

Or you can use ggplot:

qplot(Quarter, Consumption, data=data,type=c("point","line"), id=data$Year)

Unfortunately this has uncovered a couple of small bugs for me to fix
(no automatic legend, and have to specify the data frame explicitly)

The slighly more verbose example below shows you what it should look like.

data$Year <- factor(data$Year)
p <- ggplot(data, aes=list(x=Quarter, y=Consumption, id=Year, colour=Year))
ggline(ggpoint(p), size=2)




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