When I run gnls I get the error:


Error in nls(y ~ cbind(1, 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/exp(lscal)))), data = xy,  :

        step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563


My first thought was to decrease minFactor but gnlsControl does not contain
minFactor nor nlsMinFactor (see below).  It does however contain nlsMaxIter
and nlsTol which I assume are the analogs of maxiter and tol in nls.control.
I would be happy to hear from anyone who has an idea on what parameters in
gnlsControl to change to get convergence.  




Dan Coleman

Genentech Inc.


> gnlsControl

function (maxIter = 50, nlsMaxIter = 7, msMaxIter = 50, minScale = 0.001, 

    tolerance = 1e-06, nlsTol = 0.001, msTol = 1e-07, msScale = lmeScale, 

    returnObject = FALSE, msVerbose = FALSE, apVar = TRUE, .relStep =

    nlmStepMax = 100, opt = c("nlminb", "optim"), optimMethod = "BFGS", 

    minAbsParApVar = 0.05) 


    list(maxIter = maxIter, nlsMaxIter = nlsMaxIter, msMaxIter = msMaxIter, 

        minScale = minScale, tolerance = tolerance, nlsTol = nlsTol, 

        msTol = msTol, msScale = msScale, returnObject = returnObject, 

        msVerbose = msVerbose, apVar = apVar, nlmStepMax = nlmStepMax, 

        opt = match.arg(opt), optimMethod = optimMethod, .relStep =

        minAbsParApVar = minAbsParApVar)



> nls.control


[1] 50



[1] 1e-05



[1] 0.0009765625

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