Here is an example of how a model would be specified using lmer using a couple 
of your factors:
fm <- lmer(response.variable ~ chain*sector*resp 
+(chain*sector*resp|GroupingID), data)
This will give you a main effect for each factor and all possible interactions. 
However, do you have a grouping variable? I wonder if aov might be the better 
tool for your G-study? 
As a side note, I don't see that you have a factor for persons. Isn't this also 
a variance component of interest for your study?


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Iuri 
        Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:26 PM
        To: Doran, Harold
        Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
        Subject: Re: [R] Variance Components in R
        I am trying to replicate Finn and Kayandé (1997) study on G-theory 
application on Marketing. The idea is to have people evaluate some aspects of 
service quality for chains on different economy sectors. Then, conduct a 
G-study to identify the generalizability coefficient estimates for different 
D-study designs. 
        I have persons rating 3 different items on 3 different aspects of 
service quality on 3 chains on 3 sectors. It is normally assumed on G-studies 
that the factors are random. So I have to specify a model to estimate the 
variance components of CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM, and the interaction of 
'*' in VARCOMP means a crossed design.
        Evaluating only the two dimensions interactions (x*y) ran in few 
minutes with the full database. Including three interactions (x*y*z) didn't 
complete the execution at all. I have the data and script sent to a professor 
of the department of Statistics on my university and he could not run it on 
either SPSS or SAS (we don't have SAS licenses here at the business school, 
only SPSS). Nobody here at the business school has any experience with R, so I 
don't have anyone to ask for help. 
        Ì am not sure if I have answered you question, but feel free to ask it 
again, and I will try to restate the problem.
        Best regards,
        On 8/17/06, Doran, Harold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

                This will (should) be a piece of cake for lmer. But, I don't 
speak SPSS. Can you write your model out as a linear model and give a brief 
description of the data and your problem?
                In addition to what Spencer noted as help below, you should 
also check out the vignette in the mlmRev package. This will give you many 


                        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Iuri Gavronski
                        Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:16 AM
                        To: Doran, Harold
                        Subject: Re: [R] Variance Components in R

                9500 records. It didn`t run in SPSS or SAS on Windows machines, 
so I am trying to convert the SPSS script to R to run in a RISC station at the 
                On 8/17/06, Doran, Harold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

                        The lmer function is optimal for large data with 
crossed random effects.
                        How large are your data?
                        > -----Original Message-----
                        > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                        > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Iuri Gavronski
                        > Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:08 AM
                        > To: Spencer Graves
                        > Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
                        > Subject: Re: [R] Variance Components in R
                        > Thank you for your reply.
                        > VARCOMP is available at SPSS advanced models, I'm not 
                        > for how long it exists... I only work with SPSS for 
the last
                        > 4 years...
                        > My model only has crossed random effects, what 
perhaps would
                        > drive me to lmer().
                        > However, as I have unbalanced data (why it is 
normally called 
                        > 'unbalanced design'? the data was not intended to be
                        > unbalanced, only I could not get responses for all 
                        > I'm afraid that REML would take too much CPU, memory 
and time
                        > to execute, and MINQUE would be faster and provide 
                        > variance estimates (please, correct me if I'm wrong 
on that point).
                        > I only found MINQUE on the maanova package, but as my 
                        > is very far from genetics, I'm not sure I can use 
this package.
                        > Any comment would be appreciated. 
                        > Iuri
                        > On 8/16/06, Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                        > >
                        > >       I used SPSS over 25 years ago, but I don't 
                        > ever fitting a
                        > > variance components model with it.  Are all your 
                        > effects nested?
                        > > If they were, I would recommend you use 'lme' in 
the 'nlme' package.
                        > > However, if you have crossed random effects, I 
suggest you 
                        > try 'lmer'
                        > > associated with the 'lme4' package.
                        > >
                        > >       For 'lmer', documentation is available in 
                        > Bates. Fitting
                        > > linear mixed models in R. /R News/, 5(1):27-30, May 
                        > > (www.r-project.org -> newsletter).  I also 
recommend you try the
                        > > vignette available with the 'mlmRev' package (see, 
                        > > 
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/81375.html ).
                        > >
                        > >        Excellent documentation for both 'lme' (and 
indirectly for
                        > > 'lmer') is available in Pinheiro and Bates (2000)
                        > Mixed-Effects Models
                        > > in S and S-Plus (Springer).  I have personally 
                        > this book
                        > > so many times on this listserve that I just now got 
234 hits for
                        > > RSiteSearch("graves pinheiro").  Please don't 
hesitate to pass this 
                        > > recommendation to your university library.  This 
book is
                        > the primary
                        > > documentation for the 'nlme' package, which is part 
of the
                        > standard R
                        > > distribution.  A subdirectory 
"~library\nlme\scripts" of your R 
                        > > installation includes files named "ch01.R", 
"ch02.R", ...,
                        > "ch06.R",
                        > > "ch08.R", containing the R scripts described in the 
book.  These R
                        > > script files make it much easier and more enjoyable 
to study that 
                        > > book, because they make it much easier to try the 
                        > described
                        > > in the book, one line at a time, testing 
modifications to check you
                        > > comprehension, etc.  In addition to avoiding 
problems with 
                        > > typographical errors, it also automatically 
overcomes a few
                        > minor but
                        > > substantive changes in the notation between S-Plus 
and R.
                        > >
                        > >       Also, the "MINQUE" method has been obsolete 
for over 
                        > 25 years.
                        > > I recommend you use method = "REML" except for when 
you want to
                        > > compare two nested models with different fixed 
effects;  in
                        > that case,
                        > > you should use method = "ML", as explained in 
Pinheiro and 
                        > Bates (2000).
                        > >
                        > >       Hope this helps.
                        > >       Spencer Graves
                        > >
                        > > Iuri Gavronski wrote:
                        > > > Hi,
                        > > >
                        > > > I'm trying to fit a model using variance 
components in R, but if 
                        > > > very new on it, so I'm asking for your help.
                        > > >
                        > > > I have imported the SPSS database onto R, but I 
don't know how to
                        > > > convert the commands... the SPSS commands I'm 
trying to 
                        > convert are:
                        > > > VARCOMP
                        > > >    RATING BY CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM
                        > > >    /RANDOM = CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM
                        > > >    /METHOD = MINQUE (1)
                        > > >    /DESIGN = CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM 
                        > > >                SECTOR*RESP SECTOR*ASPECT 
                        > > >                SECTOR*RESP*ASPECT SECTOR*RESP*ITEM
                        > CHAIN*RESP*ASPECT 
                        > > >    /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE.
                        > > >
                        > > > VARCOMP
                        > > >    RATING BY CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM
                        > > >    /RANDOM = CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM
                        > > >    /METHOD = REML 
                        > > >    /DESIGN = CHAIN SECTOR RESP ASPECT ITEM
                        > > >                SECTOR*RESP SECTOR*ASPECT 
                        > > >                SECTOR*RESP*ASPECT 
                        > CHAIN*RESP*ASPECT
                        > > >    /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE.
                        > > >
                        > > > Thank you for your help.
                        > > >
                        > > > Best regards,
                        > > >
                        > > > Iuri. 
                        > > >
                        > > > _______________________________________
                        > > > Iuri Gavronski - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        > > > doutorando
                        > > > UFRGS/PPGA/NITEC - www.ppga.ufrgs.br Brazil
                        > > >
                        > > > ______________________________________________
                        > > > R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
                        > > > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
                        > > > PLEASE do read the posting guide
                        > > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html 
                        > > > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, 
reproducible code.
                        > > >
                        > >
                        >       [[alternative HTML version deleted]] 
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                        > R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
                        > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help 
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