# The R codes to generate the Trellis plot are from the R help archive by 
Karl Ove Hufthammer
  panel.estcontplot <- function(x, y, ..., pretty=TRUE, region=FALSE)
  cest.gr=kde2d(x, y)
  panel.contourplot(cest.gr.lat$x, cest.gr.lat$y, cest.gr.lat$z,
                   subscripts = seq(nrow(cest.gr.lat)),
                   pretty=pretty, region=region, contour=TRUE, ...)
  # The titanic3 dataset is from 
http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/twiki/pub/Main/DataSets/titanic3.xls with 
missing value imputations according to the book
xtrans <- transcan(~ I(age) + pclass + sex + sibsp + parch + survived, data = 
            n.impute=5, pl=F, trantab=T, imputed=T, transformed=TRUE)
titanic3[ ,'age'] <- xtrans$transformed[ ,'age']
titanic3[ ,'survived'] <- as.factor(titanic[ ,'survived'])
  xyplot(age ~ sibsp | survived, data = titanic3, panel=panel.estcontplot)
  Anyway, I realized that Trellis could only be conditional on the categorical 
variable while what I really want is conditional density plot of survived on 
the two covariates.  Thus I tried to twist cdplot with kde2d to substitute 
  However, I still have no success.  Would anyone help, please!

Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 10/24/06, Marco LO wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've problems to interpret the contourplot for a binary response dependent 
> variable. For example, I ploted the survived probability for the titanic3 
> dataset,
> http://www.geocities.com/useebi/data/CondenContour.jpeg
> Trellis displayed two panels of contour, one for dead and one for alive. 
> However,
> the contours between the two panels didn't conform to the rule of prob(dead) =
> 1 - prob(alive). How I should read the contours? What I did wrongly?

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> Is there an example that I could follow?
> Thanks!
> marco


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