
This is hardly a one-liner. It will only help you if you call it with large 
objects. If you have 0 in your data it needs even more extending.
Here it is:
myconstruct <- function(aa) {
   aa <- c(1,1,aa,1)
   bb <- cumprod(aa)
   taa <- aa<1
   difftaa <- diff(taa)
   starts <- which(c(FALSE,difftaa==1))
   ends <- which(c(FALSE,difftaa==-1))
   correction <- rep(0,length(aa))
   correction[starts] <- 1/bb[starts-2]
   correction[ends] <- -1/bb[starts-2]
   correction <- cumsum(correction)
   correction[correction==0] <- 1
   bbcor <- bb*correction
   bbcor[!taa] <- aa[!taa]

aa <- runif(10000,min=.5,max=1.5)
system.time(target <- constructLt(aa))
system.time(found <- myconstruct(aa))

> system.time(target <- constructLt(aa))
[1] 0.059 0.001 0.059 0.000 0.000
> system.time(found <- myconstruct(aa))
[1] 0.013 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.000
> identical(target,found)
> max(abs(target-found))
[1] 4.440892e-16

Appearently the outcome is different is some low decimal, due to other 
calculation method.


On Tuesday 24 October 2006 20:36, Leeds, Mark (IED) wrote:
> I think I asked a similar question 3 years ago to the  Splus list and I
> think the answer was no or noone answered so noone should spend more
> than 5 minutes on this
> because it could definitely be a waste of time.
> My question is whether the function below can be rewritten without a for
> loop. apply is fine if it can be done that way but i doubt it. I call it
> a lot and would
> prefer to not loop.
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------
> constructLt<-function(invector) {
> outvector<-invector
>  for ( i in 2:length(invector) ) {
>  if ( invector[i] < 1 ) {
>   outvector[i]<-invector[i]*outvector[i-1]
>  }
> }
> return(outvector)
> }
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------
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