thanks gabor. It's appreciated. Another question to you and anyone else
who might be out there :

My version of R is :

platform       i686-pc-linux-gnu         
arch           i686                      
os             linux-gnu                 
system         i686, linux-gnu           
major          2                         
minor          3.1                       
year           2006                      
month          06                        
day            01                        
svn rev        38247                     
language       R                         
version.string Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)

And tonight was the first time I tried to run two interactive versions
of R at the same time ( on two different machines but I
Don't know if that matters. I can log into various machines ) :

An erroroccurs during the loading of my First.R  function in the second
R session and it says 

Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : 
        unable to load shared library
  /lib/i686/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'chron'

But this is the first time this has ever happened so I'm thinking that
it must be due to trying to run two versions of R at the
Same time. The session does come up there but obviously my chron and
other libraries after that didn't get loaded.
Maybe it's not possible to use loibraries at the same time in two
different R sessions  but I think I used to do this
Atleast when I used R in windows before. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabor Grothendieck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2006 7:38 PM
To: Leeds, Mark (IED)
Subject: Re: [R] labelling of horizontal axis in acf function

Its because of the frequency.  The lower the frequency number the higher
will be the numbers on the scale axis.

> as.ts(aggfxdata[,"bid"])
Time Series:
Start = 1144713660
End = 1144716960
Frequency = 0.0166666666666667
 [1] 118.4800       NA 118.4760       NA 118.4600 118.4367 118.4171
 [9] 118.3800 118.3689 118.3733 118.3600 118.3286 118.3471 118.3507
[17] 118.3729 118.3700 118.3658 118.3383 118.3486       NA 118.3600
[25] 118.3600 118.3633       NA 118.3600       NA 118.3575 118.3600
[33] 118.4087 118.3980 118.4000 118.4014 118.4100 118.4029 118.3946
[41]       NA 118.4117 118.4108 118.4120 118.4087 118.4050 118.4157
[49] 118.4407 118.4400 118.4240 118.4300 118.4250 118.4200 118.4150

On 10/28/06, Leeds, Mark (IED) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this one is not a false alarm like my previous message.
> i have cut and paste the code below so if anyone could run it would be

> appreciated. basically, my question is why the horizontal axis of the 
> acf plot is labelled with such huge numbers when the labels should be 
> 1 through 10 since may lag.max = 10 ?
> i looked at the cdoe of acf but it was pretty much beyond me. i think 
> it has something to do with the way the  lag.max variable in the acf 
> function is getting calculated.
> if i do aggfxdata<-as.ts(aggfxdata) before the call to acf, the same 
> thing happens so the problem is not caused by the fact that aggfxdata 
> is  a zoo object. it's not such a big deal because i know the lags are

> actually 1 thoruh 10 but if someone knows how to get them outputted on

> the horizontal axis of the acf plot, that would be great. thanks.
> also, just in case people are wondering , the aggfxdata structure 
> below has been aggregated so that there are no duplicates so this is 
> not the problem either.
> again, you would need the zoo and chron libraries installed for the 
> code below to run.
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ---------------------------------
> aggfxdata<-structure(c(118.48, 118.476, 118.46, 118.436666666667, 
> 118.417142857143, 118.381, 118.38, 118.368888888889, 118.373333333333,

> 118.36, 118.328571428571, 118.347142857143, 118.350714285714, 
> 118.366666666667, 118.372857142857, 118.37, 118.365833333333, 
> 118.338333333333, 118.348571428571, 118.36, 118.36, 118.36, 
> 118.363333333333, 118.36, 118.3575, 118.36, 118.385, 118.40875, 
> 118.398, 118.4, 118.401428571429, 118.41, 118.402857142857, 
> 118.394615384615, 118.4, 118.411666666667, 118.410833333333, 118.412, 
> 118.40875, 118.405, 118.415714285714, 118.431, 118.440666666667, 
> 118.44, 118.424, 118.43, 118.425, 118.42, 118.415, 118.43, 118.49, 
> 118.486, 118.47, 118.453333333333, 118.43, 118.3965, 118.393333333333,

> 118.387777777778, 118.388333333333, 118.374615384615, 
> 118.344285714286, 118.361428571429, 118.365, 118.38, 118.387142857143,

> 118.385, 118.378333333333, 118.353333333333, 118.364285714286, 
> 118.375, 118.373333333333, 118.375, 118.378333333333, 118.37, 
> 118.3775, 118.38, 118.3975, 118.41875, 118.41, 118.415, 
> 118.418571428571, 118.421666666667, 118.415714285714, 
> 118.403076923077, 118.42, 118.426666666667, 118.4275, 118.426, 
> 118.42625, 118.42, 118.428571428571, 118.45, 118.457333333333, 
> 118.4575, 118.44, 118.44, 118.44, 118.44, 118.44, 118.44), .Dim = 
> c(50, 2), .Dimnames = list(
>    c("1144713660", "1144713780", "1144713900", "1144713960",
>    "1144714020", "1144714080", "1144714140", "1144714200", 
> "1144714260",
>    "1144714320", "1144714380", "1144714440", "1144714500", 
> "1144714560",
>    "1144714620", "1144714680", "1144714740", "1144714800", 
> "1144714860",
>    "1144714980", "1144715040", "1144715100", "1144715160", 
> "1144715280",
>    "1144715400", "1144715460", "1144715520", "1144715580", 
> "1144715640",
>    "1144715700", "1144715760", "1144715820", "1144715880", 
> "1144715940",
>    "1144716000", "1144716120", "1144716180", "1144716240", 
> "1144716300",
>    "1144716360", "1144716420", "1144716480", "1144716540", 
> "1144716600",
>    "1144716660", "1144716720", "1144716780", "1144716840", 
> "1144716900",
>    "1144716960"), c("bid", "ask")), index = structure(c(1144713660, 
> 1144713780, 1144713900, 1144713960, 1144714020, 1144714080, 
> 1144714140, 1144714200, 1144714260, 1144714320, 1144714380, 
> 1144714440, 1144714500, 1144714560, 1144714620, 1144714680, 
> 1144714740, 1144714800, 1144714860, 1144714980, 1144715040, 
> 1144715100, 1144715160, 1144715280, 1144715400, 1144715460, 
> 1144715520, 1144715580, 1144715640, 1144715700, 1144715760, 
> 1144715820, 1144715880, 1144715940, 1144716000, 1144716120, 
> 1144716180, 1144716240, 1144716300, 1144716360, 1144716420, 
> 1144716480, 1144716540, 1144716600, 1144716660, 1144716720, 
> 1144716780, 1144716840, 1144716900, 1144716960), class = c("POSIXt", 
> "POSIXct")), class = "zoo")
> acf(aggfxdata[,"bid"],lag.max=10,plot=TRUE,na.action=na.pass)
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> --------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------
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