I know that mvrnorm from MASS (generously provided by Profs. Venables
and Ripley) can be used to generate multivariable normal data that can
be used in a linear regression with certain desired characteristics
(e.g. a given mean for each variable as well as a given
variance-covariance pattern). Is there any similar facility that can be
used to generate data for (1) a logistic regression and (2) a Cox
proportional hazards regression?  
John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence

University of Maryland School of Medicine
Division of Gerontology
Baltimore VA Medical Center
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-1524

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