
On 3 Jan 2007 at 12:54, Jenny persson wrote:

Date sent:              Wed, 3 Jan 2007 12:54:50 +0100 (CET)
From:                   Jenny persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject:                [R] How to add characters on graph ?

> Dear R-users,
>   I have following data 
>   # Plot coloured scatter plot
>   c<-dat[100:110,c(5,7,8)]
>   par(mfrow=c(3,2))
>   plot(c$lb,c$index, pch=1, col=5,cex=1, lwd=2,
>   xlab="LB", ylab="Index",cex.main =1,font.main= 1,
>    main="scatterplot")
>               ID       index       lb
>   100 FLINDYTHNIPLI  1.84770221 9.087463
>   101          none  0.06657547 8.927778
>   102 GDDKVYSANGFTT -0.22922544 8.599913
>   103 GDFTQGPQSAKTR  0.01203925 8.483816
>   104 GDKEFSDALGYLQ -0.06264494 8.463524
>   105 GDPTETLRQCFDD -0.10011148 8.483816
>   106 GDSGGSFQNGHAQ -0.13460447 8.442943
>   107 GDVYSFAIIMQEV  1.91504700 8.413628
>   108 GLRSLYPPPPPPQ -0.11224126 8.383704
>   109 GLWVTYKAQDAKT  0.03723291 8.257388
>   110 GMSQPLLDRTVPD -0.06580206 8.294621
>   When I plotted a scatter plot of index against lb, there are two
>   extreme values. How can I plot so that these values are replaced by
>   their ID or the IDs are next to these values on the graph? I want to
>   do something like: if index > 1.5 then  plot the IDs instead of the
>   indexes greater than 1.5 or place the Ids next to their indexes. The

I would use such construction

plot(x,y, ..., type="n")
points(x,y, pch=c(NA,1)[(index>1.5)+1])
text(x[sel],y[sel], ID[sel])

see ?points, ?text, ?plot


>   data above is a little part of my real data (which might have more
>   than two extreme outliers).
>   Thanks for your help,
>   Jenny
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