Dear Robert,

> Hello and thanks in advance for your time.
> I've created a simulation on my cluster which uses a custom package
> developed by me for different functions and also the snow package.
> Right now I'm using LAM to communicate between nodes and am currently
> only testing my code on 3 nodes for simplicity, though I plan on
> expanding to 16 later.  My problem is this error:
> "Error in fn(par, ..) : object \"x1\" not found \n"
> attr(,"class")
> "try-error"
> In my simulation I need to run a function several times with an
> different variable each time.  All the invocations on the functions
> are independent of the others.  I start the simulation on one node,
> create a cluster of several nodes, load my custom package and snow on
> all of them, use  clusterExport(cl, "x1") to export the variable
> x1(among other variable I need), then I call my simulation on the
> cluster using clusterApplyLB(cl, 2:S, simClust)  where cl is the
> cluster and S is a constant defined above as 500.  Using print
> statements (since snow, or R for that matter, has next to no ability
> to debug) I found that the error cropped up in this statement:
> theta6 = optim(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,.2), loglikelihood, scrore6, method =
> "CG", control=list(fnscale=-1,reltol=1e-8,maxit=2000))$par
> Both the functions loglikelelihood and score6 use x1, but I know that
> it is getting exported to the node correctly since it gets assigned
> earlier in the simulation:
> x1 = rep(0,n1)
> The error I stated above happens fo every itteration of the simulation
> (499 times) and I'm really at a loss as to why its happening and what
> I can do to determine what it is.  I'm wondering at this point if
> exporting the variable makes it unavailable to certain other packages,
> though that doesn't really make any sense.

>From reading quickly through your description, I do not see anything
obviously wrong.

> If anyone can help me with this problem, or let me know how I can
> debug this, or even a clue as to why it might be happening I would
> greatly appreciate it.  I've been wrestling with this for some time
> and no online documentation can help.  Thank you for your time and help.

When I was feeling really lost, I've resorted to assigning
intermediate output from commands such as ls, search, etc, to
variables (i.e., something like " <<- ls()" from inside you
function call, e.g., simClust) and then, e.g., from mpi.remote.exec,
looking at the value of those variables.

And, for over a year now, I've been doing most of my MPI stuff with
papply; the one nice thing of papply is that, if you have no LAM/MPI
universe, it will use a serial (not a parallel) version, so it is
much, much, much easier to debug, because you see the warnings and the
errors. So most of the frustration of things like launching something
and seeing it never return, etc, is gone.



> Just so you know I'm a Computer Scientist not a Statistician, though I
> will be able to give any information about the statistics involved in
> this program.  I am reluctant to give away all source code since it is
> not my work but rather code I'm converting from standard code to
> parallelized code for a professor of mine.
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Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Statistical Computing Team
Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)

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