Hello R-users:

I am using "yags" for fitting GEE which is giving me the same result as "Proc 
GENMOD". Now I have couple of questions related to yags output. (By the way, 
someone told me to run the geeglm for the same analysis and I did run but did 
not get the same result as of genmod and don't know how to correct the geeglm 
codes so that all three will be same!) 
1. How can I get the p-value from yags output ? 
2. How can I get the regression coefficients as a seperate row or column vector 
from the output for my simulation please? Also, how can I get the standard 
errors of these reg. coefficients as a seperate vector? Notice, as it is 
highlighted below, beta1=coef(wee) giving me "NULL" and also summary(wee) is 
not giving me nothing!

The following is the output from the yags analysis:
> yf=formula(Ddimer~newrace+steroid+treatment+SOFA+PSI)
> wee=yags(yf, id=Subject, data=final, cor.met=as.double(rep(0:6, 872)), 
> family=gaussian, corstruct="exchangeable", control=yags.control(), weights=w, 
> betainit=NULL, alphainit=.1, subset=NULL)
> wee
YAGS (yet another GEE solver) $Date: 2004/10/22 18:49:23 $
yags(formula = yf, id = Subject, cor.met = as.double(rep(0:6, 
    872)), family = gaussian, corstruct = "exchangeable", control = 
    weights = w, betainit = NULL, alphainit = 0.1, data = final, 
    subset = NULL)

Regression estimates:
                    est.  naive s.e.   naive z  sand. s.e.    sand. z    
p-value <--How to generate it?
(Intercept)  6.972275093 0.122301393 57.008959 0.321211401 21.7061881    ?
newrace     -0.238497110 0.089208731 -2.673473 0.119576217 -1.9945196    ?    
steroid     -0.464207865 0.063099906 -7.356712 0.194455948 -2.3872135    ?
treatment    0.140764455 0.080611978  1.746198 0.192932560  0.7296045    ?
SOFA        -0.025986017 0.014140353 -1.837721 0.048131236 -0.5398992    ?    
PSI          0.007095163 0.001035622  6.851114 0.003543198  2.0024740    ?
Working correlation model: exchangeable
alpha est: 0.7344 
Pan QIC(R): 7534.732 
QLS: 56989.3 
Rotnitzky-Jewell: 9.477, 143.987
yags/R: $Id: yags.R,v 1.5 2004/10/22 18:49:23 stvjc Exp $

> beta1=coef(wee)
> beta1
> summary(wee)
    Length      Class       Mode 
         1 yagsResult         S4 
> summary(wee)

FYI, in the following geeglm analysis, I have gotten beta=coef(wgee) as a row 

> wgee=geeglm(mf, id=Subject, data=na.omit(final), weights=w, 
> family=gaussian("identity"), corstr="exchangeable") 
> beta=coef(wgee)
> beta
 (Intercept)      newrace      steroid    treatment         SOFA          PSI 
 6.904767685 -0.228246050 -0.425099489  0.160940654 -0.024995782  0.006562448 
> summary(wgee)
geeglm(formula = mf, family = gaussian("identity"), data = na.omit(final), 
    weights = w, id = Subject, corstr = "exchangeable")
                Estimate     Std.err        Wald      p(>W)
(Intercept)  6.904767685 0.275425965 628.4755438 0.00000000
newrace     -0.228246050 0.110604904   4.2585110 0.03905414
steroid     -0.425099489 0.181105281   5.5095856 0.01891253
treatment    0.160940654 0.174823465   0.8474851 0.35726476
SOFA        -0.024995782 0.044632439   0.3136406 0.57545474
PSI          0.006562448 0.003313452   3.9225669 0.04764208

If you could help me by answering these questions, I would really appreciate 
your help. 
Sincere thanks, 

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