Thanks for the warning:
Here is the link to the datasets, rather large at 2 and 5 mb. Another note
is that one set has more datapoints than the other, don't know if this can
be done with xyplot.

Thomas Colson, PhD
North Carolina State University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:15 PM
To: Thomas Colson
Subject: Re: [R] "Groups" in XYPLOT

Hi Thomas,

sadly, the full code is not much help to us in the absence of the data.  Can
I suggest that you construct a reproducible worked example to help explain
your question?  For what it's worth I suspect that the answer is that you
need to join these datasets into one and theneitehr use the groups argument,
or the "+" protocol on the LHS of the plot formula.



On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 04:51:55PM -0500, Thomas Colson wrote:
> I'm not sure I'm barking up the right tree here, but would I need to 
> make use of groups to plot two separate datasets within ONE panel in 
> xyplot? The desired end result is a single xy plot of two separate 
> (but similar in values and ranges).
> Full code follows, xyplot code at bottom
> #########Determine Frequencies
> ##########coastal_slope
> #needs the maptools package to read ESRI grid
> require(maptools)
> #import the flow slope grid
> <- readAsciiGrid("C:/R_PLots/coastal_slp.asc", 
> colname="slope") basin_slope <- ($slope) #read the slopes 
> into a dataframe
> freqs<
> #rank the frequencies based on each unique occerence, note, ranks from 
> 1 to n
> r<-rank(freqs$basin_slope)
> n<-length(r)
> #determing the probability, n+1 insures there is no 100%, 1- reverses 
> the order so #low slopes gets high probability of exceedence 
> z<-cbind(Rank = r, PRank = 1-(r/(n+1))) #attach the probability to the 
> table, result is high prob of exceed is in row with low slope #and low 
> probabibility is in row with high slope freqs$rank<-z 
> write.table(freqs, "C:/R_PLots/coastslopefreqs.txt", sep=",", 
> col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, quote=TRUE, na="NA")
> ##########coastal_curvature
> #needs the maptools package to read ESRI grid
> require(maptools)
> #import the curvature grid
> <- readAsciiGrid("C:/R_PLots/coastal_crv.asc", 
> colname="curv") basin_curv <- ($curv) #read the curvs into a 
> dataframe
> freqs<
> #rank the frequencies based on each unique occerence, note, ranks from 
> 1 to n
> r<-rank(freqs$basin_curv)
> n<-length(r)
> #determing the probability, n+1 insures there is no 100%, 1- reverses 
> the order so #low curvature gets high probability of exceedence 
> z<-cbind(Rank = r, PRank = 1-(r/(n+1))) #attach the probability to the 
> table, result is high prob of exceed is in row with low curv #and low 
> probabibility is in row with high curv freqs$rank<-z 
> write.table(freqs, "C:/R_PLots/coastcurvfreqs.txt", sep=",", 
> col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, quote=TRUE, na="NA")
> ##############Make XYPLOT and export to ps coastcurv <- 
> read.table("C:/R_PLots/coastcurvfreqs.txt", header=TRUE, sep=",", 
> na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) 
> xyplot(coastcurv$rank.PRank~coastcurv$basin_curv,scales=list(y=list(lo
> g=TRUE
> ,at=c(.0001,.001,.01,.1,1)),x=list(log=TRUE,at=c(0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1
> ,1,10)
> )),xlab="Curvature",ylab="P(C>C*)")
> dev.copy2eps(file="C:/R_PLots/coastcurv_cad.eps", width=8.0, 
> height=8.0,
> pointsize=10)
> ########How to get this in the first plot graphic?
> coastslope <- read.table("C:/R_PLots/coastslopefreqs.txt", 
> header=TRUE, sep=",", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) 
> xyplot(coastslope$rank.PRank~coastslope$basin_slope,scales=list(y=list
> (log=T 
> RUE,at=c(.0001,.001,.01,.1,1)),x=list(log=TRUE,at=c(0.0001,0.001,0.01,
> 0.1,1,
> 10))),xlab="Slope",ylab="P(S>S*)")
> dev.copy2eps(file="C:/R_PLots/coastslope_cad.eps", width=8.0, 
> height=8.0,
> pointsize=10)
> Thomas Colson, PhD
> North Carolina State University
> Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide 
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Andrew Robinson  
Department of Mathematics and Statistics            Tel: +61-3-8344-9763
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia         Fax: +61-3-8344-4599

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