Luke, I'll be gone for about 2 weeks but will work on getting you a 
reproducible example when I get back. If this topic comes up with anyone 
else, please copy me on your responses as I may miss it in the 600 
emails I'll have to delete on my return :) Mark

Luke Tierney wrote:
> According to the logs nothing at all has changed in the serialization
> code in a month and nothing of consequence for much longer than that.
> To track this down we will need a complete, reproducible, and
> preferably minimal example.
> Best,
> luke
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, Mark W Kimpel wrote:
>> I have run into a problem loading a just saved R object using R-devel. I
>> have been saving and loading this particular type of R object for a long
>> while and never ran into this problem. I save, then immediately reload
>> (to test save) and get "ReadItem: unnknown type 65".
>> This error is reproducible after logout from server and restart of emacs
>> and R.
>> Below is my output and sessionInfo().
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
>> > setwd("~/Genomics/Experiments.Genomic/BB01/")
>> > local(save(affy.object.preprocessed, file
>> ="affy.object.preprocessed.R" ))
>> > load("affy.object.preprocessed.R")
>> Error in load("affy.object.preprocessed.R") :
>>     ReadItem: unknown type 65, perhaps written by later version of R
>> > sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.5.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-03-11 r40824)
>> powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
>> locale:
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "splines"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "datasets"  "utils"
>> [7] "tools"     "methods"   "base"
>> other attached packages:
>>      multtest    rat2302cdf affycoretools       annaffy        xtable
>>      "1.13.1"      "1.15.0"       "1.7.8"       "1.7.3"       "1.4-3"
>>         gcrma   matchprobes       biomaRt         RCurl           XML
>>       "2.7.3"       "1.7.4"      "1.9.21"       "0.8-0"       "1.6-0"
>>       GOstats      Category        Matrix       lattice    genefilter
>>      "2.1.13"      "2.1.20"   "0.9975-11"     "0.14-16"      "1.13.8"
>>      survival          KEGG          RBGL      annotate            GO
>>        "2.31"     "1.15.12"      "1.11.4"      "1.13.6"     "1.15.12"
>>         graph         limma          affy        affyio       Biobase
>>      "1.13.6"      "2.9.13"     "1.13.14"       "1.3.3"     "1.13.39"

Mark W. Kimpel MD
Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine

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