On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Jeff Lusk wrote:

> After reading the help files (?Startup) and using
> RSiteSearch("defaultPackages"), I have been trying to add several packages
> to my default startup list using the following code:
> local({
> old<-getOption("defaultPackages")
> options(defaultPackages=c(old,"lattice","RODBC")
> })

Where did you put this code?
It has a syntax error in the third line, which might be the issue (and 
whether you get an error depends on where you put it).  Once that is 
corrected this works for me in ~/.Rprofile.

> Subsequently, when I query the default list using:
> getOption("defaultPackages")
> the list of packages I have added appears along with the standard defaults.
> However, when I restart R, none of these packages are loaded and they don't
> appear in the default list when it is queried again.  There's probably
> something simple I am missing and I am hoping that someone will (politely)
> point out where I've messed up.
> I am running R 2.4.0 on a Windows 2000 PC.  Sys.getenv("R_USER") returns the
> location of my Rconsole in the "...My Documents" file, but my working
> directory is in the "...program files/R/R-2.4.0" directory, if that helps.
> Thanks for your assistance.
> Jeff--
> ===================================================
> Dr. Jeffrey J. Lusk
> Upland Game Program Manager
> Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, Wildlife Division
> 2200 N. 33rd Street
> Lincoln, NE 68506
> Web: http://www.geocities.com/jefflusk2002
> [http://www.geocities.com/jefflusk2002]
> Web: http://www.OutdoorNebraska.org [http://www.outdoornebraska.org/]
> Phone: (402) 471-1756
> ===================================================
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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