One other idea.  If your dates are continguous, as they are here,
you might want to use a ts series for this.  Using the same sim
as in my prior post:

> set.seed(1)
> x <- with(sim, ts(freq, start = c(my.year[1], my.month[1]), freq = 12))
> x
     Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2000                  11  15  22  34   8  32  33  38
2001  21   2   7   6  20  40  35  13  18  23   9  17
2002  19   5  12   3  28  29   1  16  27   4  25  39
> plot(x)

On 5/8/07, Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - use proper spacing to make it easier to read
> - start off with set.seed to make it reproducible
> - omit cbind and combine all the rep's into one rep in first line
> - make the date column a known date class (here "Date"),
> set.seed(1)
> sim <- data.frame(
>   my.year = rep(2000:2002, c(8, 12, 12)),
>   my.month = c(5:12, 1:12, 1:12),
>   freq = sample(1:40, 32)
> )
> sim$date <- as.Date(paste(sim$my.year, sim$my.month, 1, sep = "-"))
> plot(freq ~ date, sim)
> On 5/8/07, Milton Cezar Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I have two data frame, on with a complete list of my field survey with 
> > frequency data of a sample species. This data frame looks like:
> >
> >
> > simulation<-data.frame(cbind(my.year=c(rep(2000,8),rep(2001,12),rep(2002,12)),my.month=c(5:12,1:12,1:12)))
> > simulation$year.month<-paste(simulation$my.year,"_",ifelse(simulation$my.month>=10,simulation$my.month,paste("0",simulation$my.month,sep="")),sep="")
> > simulation$freq<-sample(1:40,32)
> > attach(simulation)
> > plot(year.month, freq)
> >
> > As you can see, I have a collumn with the year and month of my samples, and 
> > a freq variable with simulated data. I would like to plot this data but 
> > when I try to use the plot showed above, I get a error message.
> >
> > After bypass this problem, I would like add points in my graph with 
> > simulated data for only a random number of survey month, but I need that 
> > the full range of surveys be kept on the X-axis. Just to simulate a sample 
> > I am using:
> >
> > simulation.sample<-simulation[sample(1:length(year.month),8, replace=F),]
> > simulation.sample$freq<-sample(1:40,8)
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > Miltinho
> >
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