  I would like to obtain the dispersion parameter for a quasipoisson model for 
later use in calculating QAIC values for model comparison.Can anyone suggest a 
method of how to go about doing this?
  The idea I have now is that I could use the residual deviance divided by the 
residual degrees of freedom to obtain the dispersion parameter. The residual 
deviance is available in the summary output for the lmer model. The problem 
with this idea is that the residual degrees of freedom is not directly 
available. I have been assuming that the estimated/approximate DF can be 
obtained through the formula listed below, and then subsequently used to obtain 
the dispersion parameter as described above. Is this correct?
  samp.m4 <- mcmcsamp(m4, n = 1000)
(eDF <- mean(samp.m4[,"deviance"]) - deviance(m4, REML=FALSE)) 
  # potentially useful approximate DF?

  However, rather than going through this roundabout, there appears to be an 
easier way to obtain the dispersion parameter. I have noted that the 
'quasibinomial' produces a dispersion parameter in the model output, but the 
'quasipoisson' output does not contain this useful number. Given that each of 
my models is fit by lmer with a quasipoisson distribution, the program must be 
internally calculating the dispersion parameter as it runs. Perhaps there is a 
way to obtain this number directly since I assume it has already been 
calculated? Can somone who has experience with this code provide some advice on 
whether this is possible and how I might manage to do this?
  Thank you for your time,
  Wayne Hallstrom


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