With the following result:

 > anova(fit.lme)
                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)        1    77 0.3350798  0.5644
Trust              1    77 0.5869304  0.4460
Sex                1    77 0.1614313  0.6890
Freq               2    77 1.1577975  0.3196
Trust:Sex          1    77 0.3996686  0.5291
Trust:Freq         2    77 0.4642475  0.6304
Sex:Freq           2    77 1.4977455  0.2301
Trust:Sex:Freq     2    77 2.1386544  0.1248

how can I acquire the 1st column (those names such as Trust, Sex,  
Freq, etc.) of anova(fit.lme)? Here is the structure of fit.lme:

 > str(anova(fit.lme))
Classes 'anova.lme' and 'data.frame':   8 obs. of  4 variables:
$ numDF  : int  1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
$ denDF  : num  77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
$ F-value: num  0.335 0.587 0.161 1.158 0.400 ...
$ p-value: num  0.564 0.446 0.689 0.320 0.529 ...
- attr(*, "rt")= num 1


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