Dear experts,

I have in all 14 matrices which stands for gene expression divergence and 14 
matrices which stands for gene sequence divergence. I have tried joining them 
by using the concatanation function giving

SequenceDivergence <- c(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13,X14)
ExpressionDivergence <- c(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8,Y9,Y10,Y11,Y12,Y13,Y14) 

where X1,X2..X14 are the expression matrices containing r-values and 
Y1,Y2..Y14 are the ones with patristic distances

Now, I want to plot SequenceDivergence vs. Expression Divergence

Tried doing that using plot (Sequence Divergence vs. Expression Divergence)

But then getting the error 

 Error in as.double.default(x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to 'double'

Note: The diagonal values for X1 was neglected as its seems to give some bias 
in my results. Code to derive X1,X2,X3..and Y1,Y2,Y3 is given as:

> EDant <- read.table("C:/ant.txt",sep="\t")
> ED1 <- as.matrix(EDant)
> X1 <- lapply(1:ncol(ED15), function(a) ED15[-a, a]) # to neglect diagonal 
> values 

I am attaching couple of matrices for your reference. ANT.txt is X1 after 
deleting the diagnol values, similarly,ANTEXP.TXT is Y1,  apetella.txt is X2 
apetellaexp.txt is Y2

I tried reading R-manual and other sources but have'nt cracked it yet. Can 
anyone please help me regarding that?
 Thanks very much
 Yours sincerely,
 Urmi Trivedi. 

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0       1.21133 1.420221        1.499358        1.475149        1.513886        
1.608816        1.675916        1.859038        1.992958        2.420123        
2.309414        2.413222
1.21133 0       1.463585        1.542722        1.518513        1.55725 1.65218 
1.71928 1.902402        2.036322        2.463487        2.352778        2.456586
1.420221        1.463585        0       1.418619        1.39441 1.433147        
1.528077        1.595177        1.778299        1.912219        2.339384        
2.228675        2.332483
1.499358        1.542722        1.418619        0       0.931235        
0.969972        1.354498        1.421598        1.60472 1.73864 2.165805        
2.055096        2.158904
1.475149        1.518513        1.39441 0.931235        0       0.206013        
1.330289        1.397389        1.580511        1.714431        2.141596        
2.030887        2.134695
1.513886        1.55725 1.433147        0.969972        0.206013        0       
1.369026        1.436126        1.619248        1.753168        2.180333        
2.069624        2.173432
1.608816        1.65218 1.528077        1.354498        1.330289        
1.369026        0       0.604972        1.537696        1.671616        
2.098781        1.988072        2.09188
1.675916        1.71928 1.595177        1.421598        1.397389        
1.436126        0.604972        0       1.604796        1.738716        
2.165881        2.055172        2.15898
1.859038        1.902402        1.778299        1.60472 1.580511        
1.619248        1.537696        1.604796        0       1.09121 1.968427        
1.857718        1.961526
1.992958        2.036322        1.912219        1.73864 1.714431        
1.753168        1.671616        1.738716        1.09121 0       2.102347        
1.991638        2.095446
2.420123        2.463487        2.339384        2.165805        2.141596        
2.180333        2.098781        2.165881        1.968427        2.102347        
0       1.128701        1.232509
2.309414        2.352778        2.228675        2.055096        2.030887        
2.069624        1.988072        2.055172        1.857718        1.991638        
1.128701        0       0.91546
2.413222        2.456586        2.332483        2.158904        2.134695        
2.173432        2.09188 2.15898 1.961526        2.095446        1.232509        
0.91546 0
1       -0.046373       -0.033044       0.003902        0.466827        
0.389327        0.131989        -0.063346       -0.118093       0.016386        
-0.140215       0.34511 0.233074
-0.046373       1       0.000717        0.832227        0.077053        
-0.106815       -0.050838       0.936431        0.297387        0.031358        
-0.127265       0.31245 -0.053169
-0.033044       0.000717        1       0.011265        -0.018602       
-0.023669       -0.028744       -0.007588       0.148827        -0.007067       
0.005362        -0.029172       -0.017367
0.003902        0.832227        0.011265        1       0.071247        
-0.101225       0.097117        0.829167        0.294396        0.017809        
-0.129199       0.278831        -0.106427
0.466827        0.077053        -0.018602       0.071247        1       
0.078241        0.140679        0.070069        0.055744        0.013194        
-0.196092       -0.027692       0.028857
0.389327        -0.106815       -0.023669       -0.101225       0.078241        
1       0.140146        -0.086806       0.079   0.194904        0.068378        
0.213288        0.194006
0.131989        -0.050838       -0.028744       0.097117        0.140679        
0.140146        1       -0.075079       0.137652        0.065127        
-0.072768       -0.120751       -0.101777
-0.063346       0.936431        -0.007588       0.829167        0.070069        
-0.086806       -0.075079       1       0.312154        0.023108        
-0.122502       0.331402        -0.042298
-0.118093       0.297387        0.148827        0.294396        0.055744        
0.079   0.137652        0.312154        1       0.300515        -0.178301       
0.033663        -0.057139
0.016386        0.031358        -0.007067       0.017809        0.013194        
0.194904        0.065127        0.023108        0.300515        1       
-0.096451       0.033663        -0.039394
-0.140215       -0.127265       0.005362        -0.129199       -0.196092       
0.068378        -0.072768       -0.122502       -0.178301       -0.096451       
1       -0.01748        0.253667
0.34511 0.31245 -0.029172       0.278831        -0.027692       0.213288        
-0.120751       0.331402        0.033663        0.033663        -0.01748        
1       0.201202
0.233074        -0.053169       -0.017367       -0.106427       0.028857        
0.194006        -0.101777       -0.042298       -0.057139       -0.039394       
0.253667        0.201202        1
0       1.936157        2.266211        3.072091        3.273938        3.486342
1.936157        0       2.174716        2.980596        3.182443        3.394847
2.266211        2.174716        0       2.935008        3.136855        3.349259
3.072091        2.980596        2.935008        0       1.888593        2.100997
3.273938        3.182443        3.136855        1.888593        0       1.383438
3.486342        3.394847        3.349259        2.100997        1.383438        0
1       0.179826        -0.009544       -0.3113 0.149974        -0.204895
0.179826        1       0.100759        0.276355        0.098351        0.221849
-0.009544       0.100759        1       -0.128468       0.032579        
-0.3113 0.276355        -0.128468       1       -0.118107       0.780792
0.149974        0.098351        0.032579        -0.118107       1       
-0.204895       0.221849        -0.212893       0.780792        -0.120811       
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