haha Paul,

It's important not only to post code, but also to make sure that other
> people can run it (i.e., include real data or have the code generate
> data or use one of R's predefined data sets).

Oh, I hadn't thought of using the predefined datasets, thats a good idea!

Also, isn't this "next time" ? :)

By next time I meant, when I ask a question in the future, I didn't think
you'd respond!

So here is some code!


theme_t <- list(grid.fill="white",grid.colour="lightgrey",background.colour=

grp <-
time <-
cc <- c(0.7271,0.7563,0.6979,0.8208,0.7521,0.7875,0.7563,0.7771,0.8208,

data <- as.data.frame(cbind(time,grp,cc))
data$grp <- factor(data$grp,labels=c("Group A","Group B"))
data$time <- factor(data$time,labels=c("Pre-test","Post-test"))
boxplot <- qplot(grp, cc, data=data, geom="boxplot",
orientation="horizontal", ylim=c(0.5,1), main="Hello World!", xlab="Label
X", ylab="Label Y", facets=.~time, colour="red", size=2)
boxplot + geom_jitter(aes(colour="steelblue")) + scale_colour_identity() +
grid.gedit("ylabel", gp=gpar(fontsize=16))

> There's a book that provides a full explanation and the (basic) grid
> chapter is online (see
> http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/RGraphics/rgraphics.html)

Awesome, I'll check that out.

Yep, the facilities for investigating the viewport and grob tree are
> basically inadequate.  Based on some work Hadley did for ggplot, the
> development version of R has a slightly better tool called grid.ls()
> that can show how the grob tree and the viewport tree intertwine.  That
> would allow you to see which viewport each grob was drawn in, which
> would help you, for example, to know which viewport you had to go to to
> replace a rectangle you want to remove.

okie dokie, I'm ready to be amazed! hehe.

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