>I want to build my own GO package using the function GOPkgBuilder of 
AnnBuilder. It uses AnnBuilderSourceUrls to collect data from different ftp 
sites. These data are not complete for my organism, so I would like to change 
the ftp adresses to a local one. The changing itself is working but when I run 
the script I get the following Error:
>Error in loadFromUrl(file.path(sourceURLs[["EG"]], "gene2go.gz")) : 
> URL /path/to/file/gene2go.gz is incorrect or the target site is not 

First of all, please post questions about BioConductor packages in BioConductor 
mailing list instead of R.

Is /path/to/file a real local path? If so, you may also need to modify 
GOPkgBuilder a little. Try to change the line

eg = EG(srcUrl = sourceURLs[["EG"]]) to
eg = EG(srcUrl = sourceURLs[["EG"]], fromWeb = FALSE)

>The full code of the script is this:
>GOPkgBuilder(pkgName = "GO", pkgPath = ".", filename = 
"go_200706-termdb.obo-xml.gz", version = "v.1.0", author = list(author = 
"author", maintainer = "maintainer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>") )
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>Daniela Albrecht
>Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
>Der kanns mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger
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Jianhua Zhang
Department of Medical Oncology
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115-6084

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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