Your examples are not reproducible. Hence hard to tell what goes wrong.
There never was an R version 1.51.
Please use a current version of R and read the pposoting guide.

Uwe Ligges

Lindveld, Charles wrote:
> I have run into some surprising behaviour when plotting data in a 3x2
> grid:
> random parts of the data on my graphs aren't rendered. Not on screen,
> not on file,
> and not when I send the plot to a printer. I don't get any error
> messages either.
> When I do the individual plots (not in a grid) they are each rendered
> correctly.
> My questions are:
>  - Has anyone encountered something like this, or is it particular to my
>    installation?
>  - Have I hit one of R's limits, and can I increase that limit?
>  - Would there be any workarounds that will allow me to get those 6
> graphs
>    in one single plot without thinning the data?
> The circumstances of the problem are:
> The data I am plotting consists of 4 dataframes and 4 strings:
> d1 - d4 are dataframes of dimension 308160 x 21 that contain a column
> named "det_ok_num".
> BPS1 - BPS4 are strings
> I'm running R 1.51 under Windows XP and I have 2 Gb of core memory, 800
> Mb free, and 5 Gb swappable. 
> All variables are in memory; the total amount of memory used by the Rgui
> process is slightly less than 400Mb. 
> The plot command I use is
> Fplot6_Det_OK (d1, d2, d3, d4, d1, d2, BPS1, BPS2, BPS3, BPS4, BPS1,
> BPS2)
> I am using the following two small plot functions:
> Fplot6_Det_OK = function(d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, BPS1, BPS2, BPS3, BPS4,
> BPS5, BPS6) {
> # Purpose: Plot detector status for MONICA loops
> #          make 3x2 subplot window and plot 6 loops
> #
> #
> op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
> par_plot6 <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
> FplotDetOK (d1, BPS1)
> FplotDetOK (d2, BPS2)
> FplotDetOK (d3, BPS3)
> FplotDetOK (d4, BPS4)
> FplotDetOK (d5, BPS5)
> FplotDetOK (d6, BPS6)
> par(op)
> }
>  FplotDetOK = function(d, BPS) {
> # Purpose: Plot detector status for MONICA loops
> #
> #
> subtitleStr = paste ("BPS = ", BPS)
> plot(d$det_ok_num, pch=".", col="blue", sub = subtitleStr)
> }
> Charles Lindveld
> Centre for Transport Studies
> Imperial College London
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