Uwe, thanks very much. How silly of me.  It was because my code creates full 
pathnames except if the first char of a filename is “/“ or “~”, etc. I have 
never really used windows/msdos (went from 1970s unix to OSX) and so I was 
being very silly. Dan.

> On Jul 12, 2015, at 12:38 PM, Uwe Ligges <lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de> 
> wrote:
> On 12.07.2015 17:33, Daniel Kelley wrote:
>> A data file that I’d like to use in my “oce” package is quite large, and 
>> compresses well, so I thought of putting a compressed version into 
>> inst/extdata. I want my documentation to show how to uncompress the file, 
>> partly because these files tend to compress so well that I think users might 
>> like to store them in gzipped form.
>> Naturally, I want to test my code using R-devel in addition to the ‘release’ 
>> version that I have on my box. Since I’ve never been able to get R-devel 
>> installed properly on OSX, I thought of submitting to win-builder. I got 
>> errors as below my signature line. What I don’t understand is the “Invalid 
>> argument”, which seems to be different from the “No such file or directory” 
>> that I would expect to get if there were no file. Any ideas on how to 
>> proceed?
>> Dan Kelley / Oceanography / Dalhousie University / Halifax NS Canada
>>> ### ** Examples
>>> library(oce)
>>> ## A CTD-style rsk
>>> if (requireNamespace("R.utils")) {
>> +   file <- system.file("extdata", "sample.rsk.gz", package="oce")
>> +   tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".rsk")
>> +   R.utils::decompressFile(file, destname=tmp, ext="gz", FUN=gzfile, 
>> remove=FALSE)
>> +   rsk <- read.rsk(tmp)
>> +   ctd <- as.ctd(rsk)
>> +   plot(ctdTrim(ctd))
>> + }
>> Loading required namespace: R.utils
>> Warning in file(file, "r") :
>>   cannot open file 
>> 'd:/RCompile/CRANguest/R-devel/oce.Rcheck/examples_i386/D:\temp\RtmpGUYumI\file29ac3bed3fed.rsk':
> Apparently you have put together the location of the current path and the one 
> of the tempfile which does not make sense.
> So very likely a bug in your code. Surprise you do not see it on your end.
> Best,
> Uwe Ligges
>> Invalid argument
>> Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
>> Calls: read.rsk -> file
>> Execution halted
>> ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... ERROR
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