I have an issue with the nlme-package on Windows, where the package update is 
installed into my user folder (because the Program Files folder is write 
protected resp. access only for admins), while the nlme-package version that 
come along with the R installation is still in my Program Files directory. So I 
have two nlme-versions: 3.1-122 in my R-installation folder, and 3.1-124 in my 
Documents folder.

I recognized this because my package does not install when running R CMD check. 
The log states that „nlme 3.1-122 is being loaded, but nlme 3.1-124 is 
required“. I then saw that both nlme-versions are installed.

Is this a Windows-, R- or nlme-issue? When installing R on Windows, I’m being 
asked to choose a library-folder because „Program Files“ is write protected…




Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts; 
Gerichtsstand: Hamburg | www.uke.de
Vorstandsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Göke (Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Dr. Uwe 
Koch-Gromus, Joachim Prölß, Rainer Schoppik

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