
I get the following warning using Roxygen2 

* checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
Undocumented S4 classes:

The code to create and document the class is below

  #' An S4 class MortgageEffectiveMeasures
  #' A class of mortgage effective duration and convexity
  #' @slot EffDuration A numeric value the Effective Duration
  #' @slot EffConvexity A numeric value the Effective Convexity
  #' @exportClass MortgageEffectiveMeasures
           EffDuration = "numeric",
           EffConvexity = "numeric"

The constructor function works and returns the class with the expected result.  
The constructor function is documented as well as the generics and the methods. 
 So, I am a little puzzled as to why I am getting this warning.

I have tried removing all code and refactoring a code chunk at a time - no help
I remove the @exportClass and as expected I pass RCMD

I have looked at this and refactored it so many times if there is a mistake 
(and I missed it early on) I can no longer see it.  But it is a simple class 
and is fully documented in my package with the exception of the class.  Any 
suggestions as to where I should look next are be appreciated.


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