Hi, I was asked by CRAN-maintainers to provide two versions of 
median.integer64, one with and one without a dots-argument.

However, doing so results in a code-documentation mismatch, because I have

\method{median}{integer64}(x, na.rm = FALSE)

and now also need

\method{median}{integer64}(x, na.rm = FALSE, \dots)

but selecting between both using \Sexpr{} seems not to be allowed in a 

Anyone knows the proper way to do this?

Jens Oehlschl�gel

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        CRAN packages maintained by you
Date:   Thu, 23 Mar 2017 18:08:18 +0100
From:   Kurt Hornik <kurt.hor...@wu.ac.at>
Reply-To:       c...@r-project.org
To:     achim.zeil...@r-project.org, an...@signorell.net, clau...@unive.it, 
edzer.pebe...@uni-muenster.de, j.cur...@auckland.ac.nz, 
jens.oehlschlae...@truecluster.com, jo...@kerman.com, mx.he...@gmail.com
CC:     c...@r-project.org

Dear maintainers,

This concerns the CRAN packages

   Bolstad DescTools RVAideMemoire bit64 circular rv units zoo

maintained by one of you:

   Achim Zeileis <achim.zeil...@r-project.org>: zoo
   Andri Signorell <an...@signorell.net>: DescTools
   Claudio Agostinelli <clau...@unive.it>: circular
   Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebe...@uni-muenster.de>: units
   James Curran <j.cur...@auckland.ac.nz>: Bolstad
   Jens Oehlschl�gel <jens.oehlschlae...@truecluster.com>: bit64
   Jouni Kerman <jo...@kerman.com>: rv
   Maxime Herv� <mx.he...@gmail.com>: RVAideMemoire

You may already have noticed that under r-devel these have given
warnings like

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
   function(x, na.rm, ...)
   function(x, na.rm)

for some time now, following

      \item \code{median()} gains a formal \code{\dots} argument, so
       methods with extra arguments can be provided.

Could you please update your package code to eliminate these warnings,
ideally as quickly as possible?

In one package co-developed by me, I went for

if(is.na(match("...", names(formals(median))))) {
     median.tuple <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
         x <- as.numeric(x)
} else {
     median.tuple <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
         x <- as.numeric(x)

which may be the "simplest" way forward ...


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