> On 16 Aug 2017, at 11:11 , Berry Boessenkool <berryboessenk...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> if a function in a package uses graphics::legend in the code, but does not 
> import it in the namespace, shouldn't there be a warning in the check?

Er, no... Importing into a namespace is used to avoid the graphics:: qualifier. 
This is conceptually different from having a dependency.


> There is not, also not on CRAN (one of my packages did this with 
> stats::density).
> Should I report this to the CRAN team?
> Regards,
> Berry
> Here's a minimal working example using devtools:
> ### install.packages(c("devtools","roxygen2"))
> # create package structure ----
> getwd()
> devtools::create("testPack", description=list(License="GPL (>=2)"))
> setwd("testPack/")
> devtools::check() # everything is fine
> # add function ----
> cat("
> #' @title test function
> #' @description test function
> #' @export
> #' @importFrom graphics plot
> #' @examples testFun(1:6, col=2)
> #' @param x Values
> #' @param args List of arguments passed to legend
> #' @param \\dots Further arguments passed to plot
> #'
> testFun <- function(
>  x,
>  args=list(x='topright', legend=c('A','B'), lty=1),
>  ...
>  )
>  {
>  plot(x, ...)
>  do.call(graphics::legend, args)
>  }
> ", file="R/testFun.R")
> devtools::check() # no problems - even though I only import plot, not legend
> # same thing if I use graphics::legend directly (outside of do.call)
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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