On 03.01.2018 13:59, Hockemeyer, Cord (cord.hockeme...@uni-graz.at) wrote:
Hi everybody,

on submitting a new package I got a rejection because of the above warning in the CRAN-check. I guess 
it is because of the "Depends" entry "R (>= 3.3.3)" in the DESCRIPTION file but 
I have no idea how to do this otherwise. Any hel�p would be highly appreciated.

If sufficient, use R (>= 3.3.0), otherwise R (>= 3.4.0): If you rely on a specific patchlevel, binary repositories are inconsistant on CRAN and typically you should be able to rely on a x.y.0 release.

Uwe Ligges

Best regards,

Cord Hockemeyer
Institut f�r Psychologie, Universit�t Graz
Tel.: +43 316 380 8531

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