On 2018-03-20 06:17, Johannes Ranke wrote:

The idea exposed by Dirk is the same: requireNamespace will find the
package on CRAN and will set eval=TRUE. What you want though is to
avoid running a chunk on CRAN, even if the package is available. So
you need to set eval=FALSE *unconditionally*.
Or conditional on the package version (as Dirk proposed regarding tests) or on
an environment variable NOT_CRAN which you can set to true on the machine
where you do want to run the code (as used by devtools).

      The function "fda::CRAN" allows package developers to run tests themselves that should not run on CRAN or with "R CMD check –as-cran".  Several of my packages have code in "\examples" that include something like the following:

    #Code I do not want run if a certain parameter is in Sys.getenv()

      I have not tried this, but I think you could set a parameter, e.g., '-no-vignette' via either Sys.setenv('-no-vignette'=1) or "R CMD check -no-vignette", then bracket code snippets in the vignette with "if(!fda::CRAN('-no-vignette', '-no-vignette')){...}".

      This will NOT turn off compiling the vignette, but it will allow you to suppress running code snippets in the vignette that take time.

      Hope this helps.

p.s.  I just tested "Sys.setenv('-no-vignette'=1);  tst2 <- CRAN('-no-vignette', '-no-vignette')" and got TRUE, when CRAN() returned FALSE.  When I tried print(tst2) I got:

 [1] TRUE
Error in formatDL(x, ...) : unused argument (digits = 7)

      I do not understand this error message, but it does not seem to be a problem I have to fix right now, so I won't.


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