Thanks a lot - here's is what I get:

A single object matching ‘x’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

[1] 100

Now put in the last "xfile.RData" - and
"afile.RData" is still muted

Restarting R session...

> library(try)
> x
[1] 100
> getAnywhere("x")
A single object matching ‘x’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

[1] 100
> data(afile)
> x
[1] 100

Whereas we know x in afile.RData is 45

So something is very wrong
Sorry to be so helpless

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Duncan Murdoch <> 
Sendt: 13. januar 2019 12:46
Til: Troels Ring <>; package-develop 
Emne: Re: [R-pkg-devel] RData files with identical objects in package

On 13/01/2019 3:38 a.m., Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends - I have a package under creation making heavy 
> calculations on chemical/clinical data and I plan to include as 
> "examples" the use of some literature data used in my papers. To 
> illustrate what then occurs, I made two RData files consisting only of 
> x and y with different values for x and y like
> X <- 100
> Y <- 1000
> save(x,y,file="first.RData")
> and then a new x and y in "second" with x <- 45 and y <- 32
> When I put these in a "data" directory of a new package without 
> further ado in RStudio
> Ctrl-shift-L
> Ctrl-shift-B
> .there is a warning
> * installing *source* package 'try' ...
> ** R
> ** data
> *** moving datasets to lazyload DB
> warning: objects 'x', 'y' are created by more than one data call
> ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
> ** help
>    converting help for package 'try'
> *** installing help indices
>      finding HTML links ...    hello                                   html
>   done
> Now, when I clear the workspace:
>> ls()
> character(0)
>> devtools::load_all(".")
> Loading try
> Restarting R session...
>> library(try)
>> ls()
> character(0)
>> x   #-- so even if workspace Is empty x is still kept
> [1] 45
>> data(first) # and "first" is not seen x
> [1] 45
> x is still present - and y
> I have been reading and searching in "Writing R extensions" but so far
> didn't find the clue.
> Seemingly it is the file with the last name that is assessed - when I rename
> first.RData to "xfile.RData" we get 100 and 1000.
> Now and then when running ctrl-shift-L and - B we see
> Attaches package: 'try'
> The following objects are masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
> x, y

Does that every happen when ls() returns character(0)?  It seems likely 
that you have copies of them in the global workspace, and the message is 

In the earlier situation (ls() *does* return character(0), but x is 
still found), you can find where it was found using


For example,

 > x <- 2
 > getAnywhere("x")
A single object matching ‘x’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

[1] 2

Duncan Murdoch

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