Hi Chris,
I solved the issue directly in the code after forking your repos and send
you a pull request.
The folder vignette was at the wrong place and I added the .asis files as
well as updated the description file.
I hope it will work on your system.

On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 08:33, Chris Brien <chris.br...@unisa.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi list members,
> I am having a problem installing vignettes for my asremlPlus package (
> https://github.com/briencj/asremlPlus - see VIgnettes branch) and have
> run into a brick wall in my efforts to solve it.  So any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
> The basic problem is that the R.rsp package cannot be found by
> loadVignetteBuilder when checking or building the package. Here are the
> details.
> I am running R 3.5.1 under Windows 10.
> I have compiled the Rmd sources to pdf files and I need to incorporate the
> pdfs without rebuilding them. The reasons are that they rely on having a
> package that is not available from a public R repo, namely asreml, and the
> R code take too much time to run on the CRAN servers.
> To deal with this I have tried to use the package R.rsp. Following the
> instructions, for example for WheatVignette.pdf, I have included the
> WheatVignette.pdf.asis with contents
> %\VignetteIndexEntry{Wheat data: a spatial analysis example}
> %\VignetteEngine{R.rsp::asis}
> %\VignetteAuthor{Chris Brien}
> %\VignetteKeyword{asremlPlus}
> I have the following lines in the DESCRIPTION file:
> Suggests: testthat, lattice, emmeans, lmerTest, pbkrtest, R.rsp
> Enhances: asreml
> VignetteBuilder: R.rsp
> When I run the following devtools::check call on the package
> devtools::check("asremlPlus", manual=TRUE, check_dir="D:/Analyses/R",
> document=FALSE,
>                 args="--as-cran")
> I get the following error message
> -  saving partial Rd database (7.6s)
>    Error in loadVignetteBuilder(pkgdir, TRUE) :
>      vignette builder 'R.rsp' not found
>    Execution halted
> Error in run(bin, args = real_cmdargs, stdout_line_callback =
> real_callback(stdout),  :
>   System command error
> To check the availability of R.rsp I did the following:
> > .libPaths();find.package("R.rsp")
> [1] "D:/Analyses/R library"                       "D:/Analyses/R oldpkg"
> [3] "C:/Program Files/StatSoft/R/R-3.5.1/library"
> [1] "D:/Analyses/R library/R.rsp"
> I also note that in my HOME directory I have an .Renviron file with the
> following line:
> R_LIBS_USER="D:\\Analyses\\R library"
> Cheers,
>  Chris
>  Chris Brien | Adjunct Associate Professor in Statistics
> -----
> School of Information Technology &  Mathematical Sciences
> University of South Australia
> GPO Box 2471
> ADELAIDE  5001  South Australia
> Phone:  +61 8 8302 5535   Fax:  +61 8 8302 5785
> Email:   chris.br...@unisa.edu.au
> WEB page:  <http://people.unisa.edu.au/Chris.Brien>
> CRICOS No 00121B
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Alexandre Courtiol


*"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts"*, R. Feynman

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