On 26 February 2019 at 20:38, Uwe Ligges wrote:
| On 26.02.2019 18:59, Iñaki Ucar wrote:
| > On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 18:38, Oliver Dechant <dech...@dal.ca> wrote:
| >>
| >> Somewhat relatedly is there a way to monitor when a package has new
| >> reverse depends or imports added?
| > 
| > I don't know of any service currently providing this, if that's what
| > you're asking. But it's pretty straightforward to set up a cron job to
| > monitor the DESCRIPTION file of interest.
| Well, if *reverse* dependencies are of interest, rather monitor he 
| package's CRAN webpage which lists reverse dependencis.

Or access the already-parsed-and-ready-to-use info:

R> crandb <- tools::CRAN_package_db()
R> colnames(crandb)
 [1] "Package"                 "Version"                 "Priority"             
 [4] "Depends"                 "Imports"                 "LinkingTo"            
 [7] "Suggests"                "Enhances"                "License"              
[10] "License_is_FOSS"         "License_restricts_use"   "OS_type"              
[13] "Archs"                   "MD5sum"                  "NeedsCompilation"     
[16] "Additional_repositories" "Author"                  "Authors@R"            
[19] "Biarch"                  "BugReports"              "BuildKeepEmpty"       
[22] "BuildManual"             "BuildResaveData"         "BuildVignettes"       
[25] "Built"                   "ByteCompile"             "Classification/ACM"   
[28] "Classification/ACM-2012" "Classification/JEL"      "Classification/MSC"   
[31] "Classification/MSC-2010" "Collate"                 "Collate.unix"         
[34] "Collate.windows"         "Contact"                 "Copyright"            
[37] "Date"                    "Description"             "Encoding"             
[40] "KeepSource"              "Language"                "LazyData"             
[43] "LazyDataCompression"     "LazyLoad"                "MailingList"          
[46] "Maintainer"              "Note"                    "Packaged"             
[49] "RdMacros"                "SysDataCompression"      "SystemRequirements"   
[52] "Title"                   "Type"                    "URL"                  
[55] "VignetteBuilder"         "ZipData"                 "Published"            
[58] "Path"                    "X-CRAN-Comment"          "Reverse depends"      
[61] "Reverse imports"         "Reverse linking to"      "Reverse suggests"     
[64] "Reverse enhances"        "MD5sum"                 
R> dim(crandb)
[1] 13776    65

Now, if Oliver wants this _through time_ he will have snapshot it. The
information provided is always 'as is' for 'right now'.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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