You could convince the original author to submit rPeaks to CRAN, or
volunteer to be the maintainer and do it yourself if he doesn't want
to maintain it. That would be easier for you and better for everyone,
because the package would be well-checked under the watchful eye of
CRAN maintainers. Otherwise, see below.

On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 at 03:15, Tan Zhou <> wrote:
> Thank you very much for your suggestions and explanation, Ralf. They are
> very helpful.
> I got permission from the author and use *drat::addRepo("jrminter").*
> *When I try to test if this package can be installed with install.package*
> *install.packages("rPeaks", repos = "
> <>", type = "source")Warning in
> install.packages :  unable to access index for repository
> <>:  cannot open URL
> '
> <>'Warning in
> install.packages :  unable to access index for repository
> <>:  cannot open URL
> '
> <>'Installing package
> into ‘C:/Users/tank/Documents/R/win-library/3.4’(as ‘lib’ is
> unspecified)Warning in install.packages :  unable to access index for
> repository
> <>:  cannot open URL
> '
> <>'Warning in
> install.packages :  package ‘rPeaks’ is not available (for R version 3.4.3)*
> *Do you have any suggestion? *

I see nothing in or First of all, someone (the author or
you in his behalf) has to setup a drat repo, so please read and follow
the guide for package authors:

After you setup such a repo (if the original author didn't want to do
it by himself and gave his permission) in your GitHub account and push
jrminter's package, you should be able to do the following:


and that's it. So finally, you can add


to your DESCRIPTION file.

Iñaki Úcar

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