Thank you for the advice.

I resubmitted to win-devel 20 minutes ago (0840 EST) and that error seems
to be persisting.

here is the link to the full DESCRIPTION file

That is the same system that CRAN checks for winOS will use?

Thank you

On Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 8:29 AM Duncan Murdoch <>

> On 30/11/2019 7:02 a.m., Yoni wrote:
> > I have recently resubmitted a package after fixing an issue with the
> > license. The package passed all the checks a few days prior and on this
> > resubmit the winOS failed with a message that I am not sure how to
> resolve.
> >
> > * checking package dependencies ... ERROR
> > Package suggested but not available for checking:
> > 'knitr'VignetteBuilder package required for checking but not
> > installed: 'knitr'
> >
> >
> >
> > The DESCRIPTION file seems to contain the correct Imports and Suggests
> > that have not raised issues up until this point on checks.Depends: R
> > (>= 3.5.0)
> >
> > Imports: magrittrSuggests:
> >   testthat,
> >   knitr,
> >   rmarkdown,
> >   purrr,
> >   parallel,
> >   dplyr,
> >   covr
> > VignetteBuilder: knitr
> >
> Assuming the joined lines "Imports: magrittrSuggests:" are just in your
> email, not in the DESCRIPTION file (you used HTML, which generally gets
> mangled here), that's likely a transient error on the test system.  I
> would resubmit.
> Duncan Murdoch


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