
The glmmTMB developers and I are having a hard time figuring out how to avoid 
some errors that only occur when we test our package on the R-oldrelease 
version on win-builder. I tried to replicate them locally on a Windows computer 
by installing R 3.5.3, but I could not.

The error occurs while running some examples of how to use downstream methods 
from other packages. 

> if (require(car)) {
+     if ("Anova.glmmTMB" %in% methods("Anova")) {
+        ## should be available in later versions
+        Anova(warp.lm,type="III")
+     } else if (length(find("Anova.glmmTMB"))>0) {
+        ## try to test back-compatibly
+        Anova.glmmTMB(warp.lm, type="III")
+     }
+ }
Loading required package: car
Loading required package: carData
Error in L %*% b : requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
Calls: Anova ... Anova.default -> Anova.III.default -> linearHypothesis.default
Execution halted
** running examples for arch 'x64' ... ERROR
Here’s a temporary link with all the details 

Can anyone suggest a way to avoid this error? We tried checking (in the if 
statement) that the latest version of car was installed, but it didn’t avoid 
the error. Maybe the solution is to have the if statement check the version of 
R also?

Thanks in advance.

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