Thanks to all who responded.

Correct that package ‘karon’ is the problem.  The current package has a more 
meaningful name.  ‘karon’ was the earlier name; functions have been renamed.

I deleted all the old function files, though they had been Committed to GitHub. 
 A colleague working with me wrote:


I found that one of the objects in /data were loading the old 'karon' library 
when that data object was loaded. The old 'karon' library was then loading all 
of the mgcv and ellipse packages, rather than just the specific functions we 
are using.


I have no idea why one of the data objects (used in the examples) would load 
the library.


From: Hugh Parsonage <> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 12:31 AM
Cc: r-package-devel@r-project. org <>
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] function name conflict problem


Package karon is the problem. Is that package in your depends or imports? Does 
that package use Depends?


On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 8:24 am, < 
<> > wrote:

In trying to develop a package to be submitted to CRAN, when I do Install
and Reload or devtools::check(), I get the warning:

Warning: replacing previous import 'ellipse::pairs' by 'graphics::pairs'
when loading 'karon'

Warning: replacing previous import 'MVN::mvn' by 'mgcv::mvn' when loading

I need one function each from the packages ellipse and mgcv (I do not need
pairs from ellipse and mvn from mgcv).  To restrict to the function that I
need, I have used the commands

@importFrom  ellipse  ellipse

@importFrom  mgcv  in.out

NAMESPACE includes the lines



However, DESCRIPTION does not restrict the functions imported from ellipse
and mgcv; it has

Imports: MVN, MASS, scatterplot3d, rgl, mgcv, randomForest, rpart, partykit,
Formula, ellipse,..

Do these warnings need to be solved before submitting to CRAN?

Is it necessary to edit DESCRIPTION  If so, what should be done?

Is there some other potential solution?


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