I recently submitted my frist package to CRAN (
https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=uFTIR). It was accepted last friday. I
was super happy about it. However, today I check the results and there are
several error flags in the package status. What happened?

I included a package called prospectr within the suggested packages. I only
use it to run two examples. The idea was to show potential users that they
can pass functions from other packages in one of the processing steps.

I did not notice that the package was old. It was updated in 2014 for the
last time. Funny enough, the prospectr package was archived on saturday.
Yes, one day after my package was accepted. (

Now I have to deal with the errors. As I mentioned, fixing the problems
should be easy as I only included the package in two examples. My question
is, then, what should I do? Should I fix the problem and submit a new
'version' to CRAN right away or should I wait? I read in the repository
policy that one should wait between versions at least '1–2 months'.



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