keywords are not mandatory.

You can invent your own keywords and use them in


Uwe Ligges

On 17.04.2020 02:57, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
You can get away with a lot if you are not distributing your package. But I 
usually try to satisfy R CMD check at least.

On April 16, 2020 5:50:04 PM PDT, Rolf Turner <> wrote:

On 17/04/20 12:14 pm, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 16/04/2020 8:12 p.m., Rolf Turner wrote:

I'm writing a package (just for my own use, for the time being at
that contains a function for estimating the parameters of a
distribution.  The function is essentially a wrapper for fitdistr()
the MASS package.

When I looked at RShowDoc("KEYWORDS"), I could not find an
keyword to use in the help file for this function.  There's "htest &
Statistical Inference", but that's not right, since this function is
about estimation, not hypothesis testing.  I'd hoped that there'd be
keyword "estimation" (or "point estimation") or something like that,
there isn't.

I guess I can use "utilities" (???) or "misc", but these seem a bit

Can anyone suggest a better idea?

Don't use any keyword. When was the last time you searched on one?

I have *never* in my life searched on a keyword! :-)

I just thought that it was an Immutable Law of the Universe that a help

file had to have at least one keyword, and that the R Gods would rain
fire and brimstone down upon one's head if no keyword was supplied.

In a similar vein:  would the R Gods allow me to make up my own keyword

rather than choosing from those listed by RShowDoc("KEYWORDS")?




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