On 11/07/2020 7:52 a.m., Pavel N. Krivitsky wrote:
Dear Duncan et al.,
Firstly, my apologies for the duplicated query. It seems that I had
searched everywhere but the mailing list where I asked the question.
Secondly, I was wondering if I could get some indication whether CRAN
would accept a package with the following code and documentation (and
only that):
I think it would depend on the documentation and the submission message.
You'll need to convince them not to reject your package under the "A
package’s contribution has to be non-trivial" rule. Explain why you
can't put the generic in one of the existing packages and import it from
there into the other one. (I'd make ergm import lme4, since that only
adds 5 packages that wouldn't otherwise be present: "minqa"
"nloptr" "statmod" "Rcpp" "RcppEigen", and those are all
reasonably popular packages.)
Duncan Murdoch
1) A number of exported generics of the form
summary_formula(object, ..., lhs),
simulate_formula(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, ..., lhs),
which expect a formula as their first argument, evaluate the LHS of the
formula, and dispatch based on the class of the result, which can also
be overridden by the lhs= argument.
2) Corresponding S3 methods summary.formula(), simulate.formula(), etc.
methods, that call the corresponding *_formula() generic.
I am familiar with the generics package, but I don't think it's a good
place for this functionality, because this is not the typical
dispatching behaviour, and because *.formula() exports are not
technically generics but S3 methods. In particular, as far as I know,
existing mechanisms make it easy to cherry-pick generics, but they
don't make it easy to cherry-pick methods.
Best Regards,
On Sat, 2020-07-11 at 07:29 -0400, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
If the semantics of the two generics must remain identical in the
future, then there is an implicit dependency between the code in the
packages. You should formalize this by using one of the dependency
mechanisms that the language provides, i.e. the clean solution.
Duncan Murdoch
On 10/07/2020 7:51 p.m., Pavel N. Krivitsky wrote:
Dear All,
I would like to have two packages that do not depend on each other
have an identical generic to be able to dispatch to each other's
conflicting) methods. If it is of interest, the background for why
is needed is given at the end of this e-mail.
As it is, it looks like two packages that do not depend on each
both define a generic, they do not see each other's S3 methods.
For example, in the two attached minimal packages, which define and
export generic foo() (identical in both packages) and methods
foo.character() and foo.numeric() that are exported via S3method(),
foo.character() called.
Attaching package: ‘test.numeric’
The following object is masked from ‘package:test.character’:
foo.numeric() called.
Error in UseMethod("foo") :
no applicable method for 'foo' applied to an object of class
That is, test.numeric::foo() doesn't "see"
test.character:::foo.character() and vice versa. Is there a way to
them see each other?
This issue has arisen before, e.g. at
The "clean" solution is, of course, to create a third package to
the generic that the two packages could import (and, if necessary,
reexport). However, that involves creating an almost-empty package
then has to be submitted to CRAN, maintained, and add some amount
storage and computational overhead. Is there another way to do this
that is transparent to the end user?
# Background
This arose as a result of two packages (lme4 and ergm) both wanting
implement a simulate.formula() method, causing conflicts when the
wanted to use both at the same time.
ergm has a mechanism for dispatching based on the class of the LHS
the formula. It does so by defining a generic, simulate_formula()
evaluates the formula's LHS and dispatches a method (e.g.,
simulate_formula.<CLASS>()) based on that.
Since lme4 and ergm generally use different LHSs, we are thinking
resolving the conflict by copying the LHS dispatching mechanism
ergm to lme4, and then defining our own summary_formula methods as
Thank you in advance,
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